Contact Us

Welcome to HellHades.com – If you have any questions please check out the FAQ section of the website before making contact.
You can contact us via email:
You can contact the team via the email addresses below:
Technical Enquiries: Phixion – [email protected]
General Contact: [email protected]
Sponsorship and Business Contact: [email protected]
You can also get in touch with the members of the team through Discord. HellHades is always active on his discord and will always try to come back to you as quickly as possible.
Please note that HellHades does not do paid or free account takeovers for Raid Shadow Legends. The only way to get a takeover on your account is through his twitch channels or youtube giveaways.
If you are looking for advice on your champions please use the tools available on the site or join our active community of players on discord.
We aim to respond to all messages, however, please keep in mind that we receive (some days) over 100 messages and requests so it can take some time to come back to you.