Understanding the Arena and the benefits it can bring!

Understanding the Arena and the benefits it can bring

The Basics:
In Classic arena you pitch your 4-man team against an opponent’s defence which is pre-selected. You can always see what you will be up against therefore you can start to understand the right strategies to beat the teams before you. The Arena is incredibly important as it is the only way to improve your Great Hall, which boosts stats in all content of the game. There is Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum arena with Tiers I to IV of each arena Bracket except the elite Platinum Arena. The number of medals you win from each battle scales as you grind your way up through the different level of arena. Not only do the number of medals scale up, but they are worth more! One silver medal is equal to two bronze medals, and one gold medal is worth two silver medals!
3v3 arena unlocks at level 35 and is similar to Classic Arena however you need to pitch 3 of your 4-man teams against your opponent. You grind this area for gold bars that can be spent in the Arena Bazaar offering great rewards, such as ancient, void and even Sacred Shards! There is also an opportunity to purchase a legendary champion, Drexthar Bloodtwin by redeeming a fragment each day for 100 days!

5 Arena Strategies
On this page we will be discussing the fundamentals of 5 unique strategies! There are a lot of more complex ways to build arena teams, but these 5 ideas will help you decide what is best for you! Always use the Speed calculator to make sure you are setting your champions up to win.
- The first strategy relies on two turn meter boosters. Ideally, you have a speed lead (with an aura of All battles or Arena), with a secondary booster followed by two damage dealers. An early game example would be High Katun, into apothecary, followed by Kael into Elhain. The entire point of this strategy is to go as fast as possible with High Katun, and Apothecary, enabling you to be run Kael and Elhain much slower and do more damage with their nukes! This will let you build up things such as their c.rate, and c.dmg for maximum damage! A key concept with this is forgoing all other stats on your two speed boosters. The ONLY thing that matters is speed, speed, and on rare occasion? Speed!
- The second strategy is similar to the first, however, it relies on heroes such as Warmaiden to decrease defence of the entire enemy team allowing your damage dealer to blast through your opponents! This is done by having two speed boosters, your decrease defence champion and then your damage dealer. Since you have boosted your speed twice now, you are able to slow down your hero and build the accuracy to land the much-needed decrease defence! You follow that up with a damage dealer such as Kael, and you slam through your opponents!
- The third strategy is a speed into control set up! You would still look to have one champion as a speed lead and as fast as possible, literally every fastest speed item you own in speed sets to make sure you have the best chance to go first. This is then followed up by someone who can control the entire enemy team. The best forms of control are Provoke, Stun, Freeze & Sleep. An example would be Gnarlhorn or Umbral AoE Provoking all enemies! This enables you to again slow down your last two champions and build up their stats needed to smash your opponents! Just remember when you are building these champions, you need ACCURACY for the ability to land! The higher you go in the Arena the more accuracy you would need to ensure the enemy do not resist you.
- As your account progresses there is a fantastic fast way to grind medals using a blender composition. This is a fast speed lead speed tuned on the Speed calculator to be followed by a champion who has an ally attack ability. This forces your whole team to attack with their A1 attacks. You are best to fill the last two slots up in this set up with champions with an AoE A1 ability such as Skullcrown, Bellower or Sinesha to name a few. These champions can be built with no extra speed, just 100% crit rate and as much attack and crit damage as possible! Done correctly you can melt a whole team with this tactic.
Speed, speed, speed! All you talk about is SPEED! The last method we will briefly touch on is a team built to go second. This is a more difficult strategy to achieve and takes a better understanding of the game.
- For a go second team, what are we looking for? We are looking for a high defence team, and/or a high resistance team. This team is designed to go slower but have the survivability to punch back after the enemy team has exhausted their main abilities. This team relies on a defence or resistance aura, paired with a high defensive build. Champions here will have their damage based on defence such as Ghrush or Scyl of the Drakes. Ideally one of your team will have a cleanse or heal ability, Mausoleum Mage works well here and would have to be faster than your other champions. You basically out sustain the enemy and win a war of attrition.

So now you are equipped with the knowledge to beat your enemies in the Arena in Raid Shadow Legends, check out the Raid Tier List to see which of your champions are best to build!

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Nice concise article, thanks! Another go second strategy can be to use a HP champ with a shield set to soak up the damage before bringing the pain (e.g. Miscreated Monster in a shield set).
What strategy should I use to get to gold 4 without an arbiter while having to run the guantlet of arbiters that make up 70% of the teams in gold arena? Speed does not work.
is Raid going to fix Arena?
Wow. You’re going up against weaker teams on gold 4 than I can find in bronze 4.
For me, the best control ability in the game is reducing turn meter. Specially for the reason it ignores the block debuffs of the enemy if they have it on. Rhazin works magics for me in arena (Gold IV right now) defense team, with Seeker as lead in a usually slower-than-enemy team. My other 2 members at the moment are Scyl and Valkyrie.
Yeah Rhazin is a beast for turn meter control! nice setup there!
Still frustrated by how the bot teams make gold 4 and below a mess.
Just watched your new video on the Arena
Seems like a simple fix would be for them to make everyone manually reset team defenses each week to join arena. If you don’t log in, you don’t reset your team. Problem solved. Only active players will be in arena
The video I refer to is the one HH posted about the Arena being busted again due to inactive players
One simple solution would be for the first battle of each phase, only have 1 “easy” bot team eg a single level 1 champ. Once you play that, you are in the arena and it continues as normal. Inactive players not playing the first battle are not featured and neither are their defence teams. Second solution, just remove the arena missions from being able to obtain arbiter. Progress is no longer haulted. Third, enable great hall progression in other areas of the game too, eg upgrading player rank 1-100 (should be easy to backdate these rewards) also smaller amounts from grinding.
Advice I’ve been looking for made speed set with Prince Kymar as the lead Candraphon, Seer & Madame Serris. Killing teams with 10k power above mine in Bronze. Only question is Blind Seer should she be in set for Seer or Serris?
What is a good speed for Gold IV? My Arbiter is speed lead and has 304 speed. I end up not going first about 70% of the time. Thanks!
I was able to stay in Gold IV when I hit around 320 but the more you have the better
I’ll start by saying that I am currently in Silver IV and have a decent speed team for arena. I am definitely not God tier by any means, with a player power of just over 2Mil. Has anyone else seen that since the “Classic Arena Fix”, occasionally you will refresh onto a page of lvl 40 enemies and player powers of around 50-60K?? I am not complaining because I am getting easy wins, but this can’t be Plarium’s so called fix, can it? I wonder if they’re aware of this?? Just wondering if anyone else has seen this bug…
Can anyone please explain why does it happen, that before the weekly reset I had around 2100 arena points; I received the chest of “Gold I”… and I was pushed down to arena point 1800; so bottom of “Silver IV”. The battle log shows that I had defense battles 7h25min, 7h 24min, 4h41min ago (I have won these) and one battle 3h57min ago (which I have lost).
So I should have stayed well above 2000 points, I even received the chest as well… can anyone explain why was I then downgraded a level?
Does anyone else experience this?
When I look around I see teams at similar power level as I saw in Gold I; almost as if all of us had been moved together. This makes no sense to me!
At reset you go to the MINIMUM for your tier. So Gold goes to 2000 not the 2100 you had. You lost a few battles so would drop down into Silver.
A lot of people hit people right after reset to give themselves a safety margin and to climb up into higher arena’s so a lot of people who were at Gold will be knocked down into silver.
Couple Questions on Blender teams.
1) Could you instead of doing Speed Lead to boost turn, simply put all your speed onto the Ally attack and then have three people with A1 Area? I THINK the idea is just to get your Ally Attack person as fast as possible? or am I missing something?
2) For a blender team, do you need to focus on pure damage? Or can you sacrifice some damage for a stun set? My thought was Skullcrown (who is my campaign farmer) in pure damage, with Sinesha and Psylar in stun sets?
Yeah, I have always wondered why people have a speed lead in them.
I’m still working on my great hall and trying to get Arbiter, but having trouble getting out of gold I.
I’d heard at one point that the higher your player power, the tougher the setting for arena you get. If I understand that part right, doesn’t the collection of faction guardians you get to boost faction stats work against you in arena? If that is true, should you wait on faction guardians to finish the arbiter missions and fill your great hall, or just start collecting faction guardians?
The player power thing is only in Silver 4 and lower. In gold your player power doesn’t matter.