Beginner’s Guide to Dragon Champions

Everything a new/beginner player needs to know!

Welcome to the Dragon Champions! If this is a new game to you then please use Promo code HellHades for some goodies and a free champion to get you off to a flying start. In this article we are going to go over some basics you will need to know to get going in Dragon Champions.

- To Summon Heroes in Dragon Champions you need to collect or unlock summoning circles. Each champion can be collected from different areas of the game or summoned through opening chests. When you reach 40 summoning circles you can summon a new champion to join your team and continue to collect their circles to upgrade them over time by enhancing their star levels. Each champion is farmable in some way whether it be through campaign, Arena, Tournament, or Events. You are also able to farm the shards by searching for them in the dungeons and auto battling the dungeon and gaining the resources from them. The higher you progress your champions star levels the stronger your champion will become.
When you start the game a few packs are available to purchase for a small amount. I would strongly recommend purchasing Freezard and Zerra if you are happy to put any money into the game.

- You can craft items by finding them in the dungeons, similarly to finding the champion circles you can find the items you need to make your champion stronger. You need 6 items to level up your items to the next band. The items are in the dungeons, especially the earlier levels. You can auto-battle the items as well. As you level up your items you’ll be able to get more skills on your champion.

- Every time you gain a hero level, you will be able to upgrade your champions using tome’s that you collect from the dungeons. This is a good way to level up your champions but will cost a bit of gold to do so. I would advise you to specialize in a few champions, do not just level everyone you have to maximum or you will be a jack of all trades, master of none!
The teams worth your investment early on are Orcs and Humans. Both unlock options to win strong legendary champions through events and are well suited to helping you beat the early game.

- Runes are essentially your gear to power up your champions. Runes have a number of individual set bonuses enhancing stats further as you meet their requirements. For example, 2 armour runes will give you +20% armor. As you upgrade your runes you gain sub stats at levels 4, 8, 12, and 16. These will help you make decisions regarding which type of champion would benefit most from that item.
The only place you can gain huge amounts of speed is in the rune top right or NE (compass). This is the only rune with speed as a main stat and nearly all of your champions will need a lot of speed to do well!

- Read the abilities carefully. So many times we read over key factors in abilities which could make the difference so it’s time to stop and read the abilities with care. Take your time and decide on the runes you will take to make the abilities as strong as they possibly could be. Learning your hero’s is such an important factor in the game so make sure you do it!

- Aim to get Tromgar early. This guy is an absolute beast which can be used right the way through to end game. He is such a strong champion to collect so when you can get his circles and get him summoned.

- If you don’t mind paying a bit towards the game then get yourself Freezard in the early game because he rips everything to pieces and he is very good in mid-late game content. He costs around £2.00 but in our opinion is worth the money.

- There are 2 different campaigns which only allows 1 of each class so make sure you’ve build up both sides otherwise you won’t progress as far into the game as you wish.

- You should check the missions/achievements and do the daily quests to get some easy rewards. These shouldn’t take you that long maybe between 5-15 minutes but worth it for the rewards. This is also a good way to see if you’re on track by judging yourself to the missions. There will be times you fall behind but don’t worry that’s expected so just try and catch up as quick as possible and you’ll be caught up in no time.

- There is a whole area for farming runes – make sure you use your daily energy and get those runes on the hardest level you can as it will make your life so much easier when you get enough champions that you need a lot of runes. This is important that you use your energy here!

- Keep an eye on the shop because you never know when the next bargain is around the corner and if you didn’t get it then that would be sad. So make sure you check it as often as possible after it resets.

- Limited time chests are good investments as often they include some good champion circles and other items which you may need to level up.

- You should also keep an eye on the events tab as often there are good rewards for little cost so 1-time events for example will drop good loot for you. Also, the ability scrolls are very worth if you can get enough of them. So watch out for good events!

I hope that gives you a better understanding of the game! Watch the video below if you need more answers on how to play Dragon Champions! Good Luck on your quest into Dragon Champions!

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It feels a lot like the star wars game setup….the gearing, the type of daily missions…locations for specific hero shards etc