Nodes Explained – Ashes Of Creation

Nodes explained!

The nodes will advance through the stages when the citizens complete quests, gathering resources and raiding PvE monsters. As your node stages increase you’ll begin to see differences in your node such as new/different buildings, more NPC’s and more services will be available In the development area.

Nodes unlock its unique content as you level up so more stages you pass the more unique things you can do within your node. The nodes will pass through the first stage quickly therefore your node will enable NPC’s to provide services such as vending or banking items. The more advanced your node is, the larger the zone of influence is. This will mean you can have a bigger radius to gather or raid and still earn exp for your node stage.

If your node is less advanced compared to others then it will be called a vassal node that will be in the radius of the more advanced notes zone of influence. The vessal node will still gain exp but will remain at a lower advancement stage than the dominant node. The vassal node system will begin when a node hits stage 3, but neighbouring nodes with a lower stage 3 will block the growth of their immediate neighbours.
Vassal nodes must remain one stage lower than its parent node, this is so there aren’t too many parent nodes in the same area.
Citizens can contribute to other nodes advancement that isn’t it’s own. Therefore a player can assist other neighbouring nodes to help them advance through the stages so you can become allies.
Citizens of vassals nodes cannot declare war on the parent node or any of its neighbouring vassals, they are also bound by the diplomatic states of the parent node.

There will be raids, dungeons, quests, mobs and world bosses within your zone of influence, this can spawn at random times so if one a world boss spawns randomly then you’ll need to be first there to compete against other nodes to get the best loot. The map will be determined by the level of the nodes in the area, therefore if you are a weaker node then the higher levels will take control and you’ll need to find weaker mobs to get enough levels to compete against the higher mobs.

Nodes can be delevelled due to lack of experience, In ashes, you may lose exp per day so you’ll have to increase your exp but gathering, fighting bosses and raids and by fighting mobs. If your node gets delevelled then it will return to the stage below and will not drop more than one level at a time.

Storyline quests – Storyline quests can have multiple stages, these can be failed and therefore ruining your storyline. Building an alliance with other nodes will allow you to get more quests which can drop better rewards. So alliance is key.

To make you and your node more recognizable and to show off your victory’s. Relics are achievements which allow citizens to craft certain legendary items and progress in certain legendary quest lines. The 4 relics:
- The Golden Chalice – this is believed to bring everlasting life but was allowing the corruption of manipulating the essence to enter the soul through the physical representation of drinking something.
- The crown – represented a direct link the ancients had into the thought process of king Atrax that the ancients were able to manipulate.
- The sword – It brought unusual power through manipulation of the evil side of the essence, which is how Atrax maintained his power over his people.
- The staff – It enabled Atrax to project his magic across great distances, which enabled him to extend his power and manipulation throughout the lands of Verra.