Raid: Shadow Legends Gear Tier List

S Tier
2 piece Set – adds 12% SPD of base speed. This set can be farmed from Dragon’s Lair or from general Campaign’s 6. Palace of Aravia. Speed sets are beneficial in every part of the game. In Arena they are essential on your speed booster to ensure you win the speed race and go first! In PVE content, you will want to go fast enough to match or even to loop the enemy. A speed set is a good way to master Raid: Shadow Legends.
Divine Speed
2 piece Set – adds 12% SPD of base speed and puts a self-shield equal to 15% their MAX HP for 3 turns at the beginning every round. This set is available as a reward each week from Arena Chests. The quality of the gear is based off the which tier you end in each reset. The Divine Speed Set allows for some survivability without giving up the speed advantages.
4 piece Set – each attack from the wearer ignores 25% of the target’s Total DEF when attacking. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. Ignoring the defense is amazing in PVE and PVP content, especially against Defense based champions. Ideally the main damage dealer in your team is wearing a Savage Set for optimal damage dealt. This is considered end game gear!
4 piece Set – Applies a Block Debuffs buff on the wearer for 2 turns every round. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. This set is mostly used in later Arena to avoid the control debuffs such as Freeze and Decrease Defense.
2 piece Set – adds 40 RES. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 7. Tilshire. Having a high resistance is a solid way to avoid the debuffs in arena. It can also help in Dungeons such as Spider’s Den or Dragon’s Lair to avoid the poisons on a tank champion.
4 piece Set – Grants the champion an 18% chance of applying a Stun debuff for 1 turn. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. The stun chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to stun the opponent. Stun sets are usually used on AOE hitters to help manage the waves in PVE content such as Dungeons, Faction Wars and Doom tower.
2 piece Set – adds 40 ACC and 5% SPD to base speed. Perception can only come from crafting in the Forge using Magisteel and Bloodstones. This set is good for almost every champion whether you’re facing players in Arena or against Bosses since accuracy and speed are the two most important stats for almost any build.
4 piece Set – adds 40 RES and grants Immunity for 2 turns. This set can only be farmed from the Doom Tower boss Borgoth the Scarab King. This set combines two of the best protective sets into one!
4 piece Set – Heals the champion by 20% of their MAX HP at the start of their turn. This set can only be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. This set has massively risen in value giving fantastic sustain for champions who are not doing a lot of damage. Generally used for Faction Wars champions, in Doom Tower or for champions soloing content.

A Tier
2 piece Set – adds 40 ACC. This set can be farmed from Dragon’s Lair or from general Campaign’s 5. Felwin’s Gate. This set helps you get the accuracy numbers that you need to debuff or control your opponent throughout Raid: Shadow Legends. This set is S tier in earlier content, while later games players can more easily get their accuracy from sub stats and the Great Hall. Without accuracy you cannot activate most of your champions abilities, a good rule of thumb for Dungeons and Faction Wars is to take the level of Dungeon you are facing and multiply that by 10. Therefore stage 10 needs 100 accuracy to land abilities.
2 piece Set – adds 15% ATK and allows 5% ignore DEF per set equipped. The set is one of the rewards from defeating the Clan Boss or Demon Lord. As a direct upgrade to Offense, the additional 5% ignore DEF can increase your damage output and is especially useful against high defense opponents.
4 piece Set – Heals 30% of all damage dealt. This set can be farmed from Dragon’s Lair or from general Campaign’s 8. Valdemar Strait. Lifesteal effects do not work with poison debuffs or other MAX HP attacks. This set helps sustain your champions in longer battles. It is the go-to set for most Clan Boss teams and Faction Wars completion. Early game Life steal is essential.
2 piece Set – Adds 15% HP of base HP and heals by 3% every turn. The set is one of the rewards from defeating the Clan Boss or Demon Lord. This set is used for HP based champions to grow their survivability as well as damage potential or if you need to sustain damage with a form of alternative healing.
4 piece Set – Gives the Champion an 18% chance to have an additional turn. This set can only be won from placing in the top of tournaments. This set is usually used in PVE content since it is not consistent. Relentless sets are good offensively to get your hitter back around, and defensively for healing or crowd control such as turn meter manipulation.
4 piece Set – Gives a shield buff to all allies at 30% the wearer’s MAX HP for 3 turns. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. This set is additive so if multiple Champions are wearing a Shield set, the ally Shield becomes Massive. This set is usually worn by the champion(s) that have the highest HP, ideally a healer that you do not want to be targeted or an HP-based champion. Shield set can used throughout the game earlier on and becomes less needed as you progress but are still used.
Swift Parry
4 piece Set – gives 30% C.DMG, 18% SPD to base Speed, and has a 50% chance to get a 1 turn unkillable buff when hit with a fatal hit. This set can be crafted at the Forge using Magisteel, Corehammers, and Soulstones. It can also to won in Platinum tier Chests from Arena. Swift Parry grants the opportunity to avoid dying often causing issues to your opponent. This can be useful on a nuker although it is more prevalent on revive and defense champions in arena.
4 piece Set – decreases incoming AOE damage to wearer by 30%. This set can only be farmed from Dragon’s Lair. The gear set is used to protect against some of the main damage in the game. Taking only 70% of the damage can make a huge difference. This is used in end game clan boss teams where there is an alternate way to heal instead of lifesteal gear such as a leech champion. Can also be great on a hard-hitting arena champion that needs to survive a hit themselves.
2 piece Set – adds 5% C.RATE and 15% ATK of base attack. This set can only be farmed from the Doom Tower boss, Kuldath the Magma Dragon. This set is a good way to get that last chunk of Critical Rate to make sure that power hit will smack 100% of the time while providing extra power as well.

B Tier
2 piece Set – wearer has 15 % chance to block Freeze debuff. Has a 10 % chance to place a Freeze debuff on the attacker. This set can only be farmed from the Doom Tower boss, Sorath the Frost Spider. The multipliers on this set are additive, so if you are wearing 2 sets, you’ll have 30% chance to resist and 20 % chance to Freeze attacker. This Set could be useful against Sorath herself or be useful for later game arena champions against freezers like Tormin the Cold.
Critical Damage
2 piece Set – Adds 20% C.DMG. This set can only be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. This set is used for your high damage champions to maximise damage output.
4 piece Set – This Set decreases the target’s MAX HP by 40% of the damage dealt by the wearer. This set can be farmed from Dragon’s Lair or from general Campaign’s 9. The Deadlands. This set is used for fighting Borgoth the Scarab King in Doom Tower as you need to decrease his Max HP to remove his damage reduction.
2 piece Set – Adds 10% DEF of Base Defense and 10% HP of Base HP. This set can be crafted at the Forge using Magisteel and Soulstones. This set is used for tank-based champions to add health and defence to ensure they survive as long as possible.
4 piece Set – Has 20% chance of applying Freeze Debuff for 1 turn when attacked. This set can only be farmed from Dragon’s Lair. The Freeze chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to Freeze the opponent. This set is usually used on a provoke champion to allow for two turns of control.
4 piece Set – Adds 20% DEF of Base Defense, 20% HP of Base HP and has a 25% chance to deflect 1 debuff onto the attacker if a debuff would be placed. This set can be crafted at the Forge using Magisteel, Corehammers, and Bloodstones. It can also be won in Platinum tier Chests from Arena. This set is used for tank-based champions to add health and defence to ensure they survive as long as possible and can be used to reflect debuffs back (such as using a Paragon Cheese strategy)
4 piece Set – Has 30% chance of Provoke for 1 turn when attacking. This set can only be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak. The Provoke chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to Provoke the opponent. This set is used for wave control in Dungeons, Faction War or Doom Tower. Best placed on an AOE hitter with high defensive stats.

C Tier
4 piece Set – Adds 30% C.DMG and has a 20% chance to deal a Critical hit instead of a Weak Hit if a weak hit is proc’d. This set can only be farmed from the Doom Tower boss, Agreth the Nether Spider. This set is used for a champion who needs to hit a crit like an Alure battling Fire Knight to keep his shield down, or a Nuker in your arena team who you want to kill the entire enemy team.
Divine Life
2 piece Set – Adds 15% HP of Base HP and puts a self-shield equal to 15% their MAX HP for 3 turns at the beginning every round. This set is available as a reward each week from Arena Chests. The quality of the gear is based off the which tier you end in each reset. This set is used for HP based champion to boost their survivability and damage. The shield is generally useful early in Arena battles.
Critical Rate
2 piece Set – Adds 12% C.RATE. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 4. Durham Forest. This set is used to top up a champions Crit Rate to 100% if you need additional Crit in your build.
4 piece Set – Increases Damage by 5% for every 10% HP lost. Stacks up to 25% Damage. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle or from general Campaign’s 11. Hallowed Halls. This set is great for Unkillable Clan Boss teams where your champion will be on low health but not valuable in most other areas.
4 piece Set – Has a 35% chance to counterattack when attacked by an enemy. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 10. Godfrey’s Crossing. This set is used for an alternative way to counterattack against the Clan Boss or strong arena AOE champions as a chance to counter-attack a hit and do high damage to your enemies.
Divine Critical Rate
2 piece Set – Adds 12% C.RATE and puts a self-shield equal to 15% their MAX HP for 3 turns at the beginning every round. This set is available as a reward each week from Arena Chests. The quality of the gear is based off the which tier you end in each reset. This set is used to top up a champions Crit Rate to 100% if you need additional Crit in your build.
4 piece Set – Grants the Champion a 40% chance to reduce the cooldown of one of their skills. This set can only be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak. This set is used for champions where it is essential to rotate their abilities as fast as possible. Since the update with AI Tool, Reflex can be optimised so that it always reduces 1 skill making this set significantly valuable (for champions such as Coldheart).
2 piece Set – Adds 15% DEF of Base Defense. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 3. Catacombs of Narbuk. This set is used for Defence based champions to gain the highest tank stats possible. Often seen as a two-piece set on a defensive arena champion or on champions who have to tank the Clan Boss Stun or spiderlings in Spider 20.
4 piece Set – Grants the Champion a 75% chance of applying a 2.5% Poison debuff for 2 turns when attacking. This set can only be farmed from Dragon’s Lair. The Poison chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to Poison the opponent. This set is great for clan boss when you are unable to bring a 5% poisoner or in situations where you need poisons such as Faction Wars.

F Tier – In the Bin!
4 piece Set – Grants the Champion a 75% chance of applying a 50% Heal Reduction debuff for 1 turn when attacking. This set can only be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak. The debuff chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to debuff the opponent. This set is used for apply a heal reduction on the Spirit keep boss or on the Fire Knight boss, usually used early game before you have champions with this skill.
4 piece Set – Has 25% chance of applying a Sleep Debuff for 1 turn when attacking. This set can only be farmed from Dragon’s Lair. The Sleep chance can only occur on the first hit of an attack but does not need accuracy to Sleep the opponent. As the worst form of control, Sleep Debuff is not very useful or valuable in most content.
4 piece Set – The wearer’s Turn Meter increases by 10% for every 5% HP lost from each hit of an enemy attack. This set can only be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle. This set can be used if you cannot win the speed race in the Arena, placing this set on a tanky champion who has some form of turn meter control can enable you to cheat your way into going faster and win the fight!
2 piece Set – Adds 15% HP of Base HP. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 1. Kaerok Castle. This set is used for HP based champion to boost their survivability and damage.
4 piece Set – Grants the Champion a 45% chance to Counterattack when attacked by an enemy with a critical hit, the counterattack will deal 100% of the default skills damage and will not have the damage penalty of normal counter attacks. This set can only be farmed from Dragon’s Lair. This set is used for high damage Arena champions who hit with AOE damage. Especially strong on Skull Crown.
2 piece Set – Adds 15% ATK of Base Attack. This set can be farmed from Ice Golem’s Peak or from general Campaign’s 2. Sewers of Arnoc. This set is used in the early game to boost the damage of your Attack based champions.
4 piece Set – Increases value of Healing done by the Champion by 20%. This set can be farmed from Fire Knight’s Castle or from general Campaign’s 12. Brimstone Path. This set is used for boosting healers abilities. Currently, it seems a poor set to use over most others.