Hydra Clan Boss Heads

Hydra Clan Boss Heads

The Hydra Clan Boss has 6 heads of which you will be guaranteed to face 4 in a monthly rotation with the other 2 potentially spawning on decapitation of one of the original 4 heads. Each head has its own unique abilities and skills and you will need to consider these as you build your team. Below you will find a breakdown of all the hydra heads.

Head of Torment

A1 – Spectral Fangs:
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Fear] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be blocked or resisted.
After the first attack, attacks all enemies under [Fear] or [True Fear] debuffs.
A2 – Curse Storm – 3 Turn Cooldown:
Attacks all enemies. Damage increases by 25% for each debuff an enemy is under.
Almighty Specter [Passive]:
When attacked by enemies not under [Perfect Veil] buffs places a [True Fear] debuff on them for one turn. This debuff cannot be blocked or resisted.
Decreases damage taken from [Poison] debuffs by 90%. Decreases the damage all Hydra heads take from AoE attacks by 10%.
Damage from skills that scale when based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the head’s MAX HP when attacking this head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 20,000 HP. Damage taken from reflected damage, the Warmaster Mastery or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects.
Decapitation [Passive]:
Whenever this head is decapitated, removes all [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs from all enemy champions then places a [Perfect Veil] buff for 2 turns on 2 random enemy champions.

Head of Suffering

A1 – Crippling Jaws:
Attacks all enemies. Places a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted.
Will not place the [Weaken] debuff on enemies with [Strengthen] buffs.
A2 – Thirst of Pain – 4 Turn Cooldown:
Places a 50% [Ally Protection] buff on all Heads except this one for 2 turns, then places a 30% [Reflect Damage] buff on this Head for 2 turns.
Also places a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn on the enemy with the highest Critical Damage.
A3 – Share Suffering – 3 Turn Cooldown:
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [Pain Link] debuff for 3 turns, then grants this Head an Extra Turn.
Almighty Suffering [Passive]:
Increases the Resist of all Hydra Heads by 50.
Decreases the damage all Hydra Heads take from AoE attacks by 30%. Decreases the damage taken from [Poison] debuffs by 90%.
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Head’s MAX HP when attacking this Head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 20,000 HP. Damage taken from Reflected Damage, the Warmaster Mastery, or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 HP per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects.
Decapitation Effect [Passive]:
Places a [Shield] buff on all enemy Champions for 2 turns equal to 30% of their MAX HP whenever this Head is decapitated

Head of Mischief

A1 – Thieving Jaws:
Attacks the enemy with the most buffs. Steals all buffs from the target and steals 50% of the target’s Turn Meter.
A2 – Spoils of Mischief – 3 Turn Cooldown:
Applies a [Buff Spread] effect, taking all buffs from this Head and placing them on all Heads. Changes the duration of all spread buffs to 2 turns.
Almighty Mischief [Passive]:
Has a 75% chance of redirecting an enemy attack onto another random Head. Will not occur if this Head is under a [Hex] debuff.
Decreases the damage all Hydra heads take from AoE attacks by 10%.
Damage from skills that scale when based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the head’s MAX HP when attacking this head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 20,000 HP. Damage taken from Reflected Damage, the Warmaster Mastery, or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 HP per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], [Poison] and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects.
Decapitation Effect [Passive]:
Whenever this head is decapitated, fully depletes the Turn Meters of all Hydra Heads.

Head of Blight

A1 – Dripping Jaws:
Attacks all enemies. Places three 5% [Poison] debuffs for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff for 2 turns.
A2 – Leeching Blight – 3 Turn Cooldown:
Attacks all enemies. Places a 5% [Poison] debuff for 3 turns. Instantly deals damage from all [Poison] debuffs on each enemy under [Leech] debuff.
A3 – Blinding Smog – 5 Turn Cooldown:
Places a [Poison Cloud] buff on all Hydra Heads for 2 turns. This buff cannot be removed or transferred.
Almighty Haze [Passive]
This head receives double damage from [HP Burn] debuffs.
Decreases the damage all Hydra Heads take from AoE attacks by 10%.
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Head’s MAX HP when attacking this head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 40,000 HP. Damage Taken from Reflected Damage, the Warmaster Mastery, or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 HP per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], [Poison] and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects
Decapitation Effect [Passive]
Inflicts damage to all Heads under [HP Burn] debuffs whenever this head is decapitated.

Head of Wrath

A1 – Gnashing Jaws:
Attacks all enemies. Places a 50% [Decrease ATK] debuff for 2 turns.
Passive Effect
Each enemy hit received increases the [Vengeance] counter by 1. Whenever the [Vengeance] counter reaches 15, places a [Vengeance] buff, a [Block Debuffs] buff, and a 15% [Reflect Damage] buff on this Head for 1 turn, then attacks all enemies.[The [Vengeance] counter resets everytime it reaches 15. Enemy hits will not be counted while under a [Vengeance] buff.]
A2 – Furious Roar – 4 Turn Cooldown:
Attacks all enemies. Places a [Provoke] debuff for 1 turn. Also places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff on this head for 3 turns..
Almighty Wrath [Passive]
Decreases the damage all Hydra Heads take from AoE attacks by 10%.
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the Head’s MAX HP when attacking this head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 20,000 HP. Damage Taken from Reflected Damage, the Warmaster Mastery, or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 HP per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], [Poison] and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects
Decapitation Effect [Passive]
Inflicts damage to all Heads whenever this Head is decapitated. If this Head is decapitated while under a [Vengeance] buff, the damage inflicted to all Heads increases, and there is a 25% chance of placing a [Leech] debuff on all Heads for 2 turns.

Head of Decay

A1 – Agonizing Jaws:
Attacks the enemy with the lowest HP. Place a 100% [Heal Reduction] debuff for 2 turns.
A2 – Speed of Decay – 4 Turn Cooldown:
Removes all debuffs from all Heads, then fills the Turn Meters of all Heads by 30%
A3 – Rotten Ward – 5 Turn Cooldown:
Removes all debuffs from the Head with the lowest HP, then places a [Life Barrier] buff on them for 4 turns. This [Life Barrier] buff cannot be removed.
Almighty Decay [Passive]
Whenever an enemy Champion is healed, decreases their MAX HP by 15% of the value of the Heal (up to 75% of their MAX HP).
Decreases damage taken from [Poison] debuffs by 90%. Decreases the damage all Hydra heads take from AoE attacks by 10%.
Damage from skills that scale when based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the head’s MAX HP when attacking this head. Damage taken in one tick from [HP Burn] debuffs cannot exceed 20,000 HP. Damage taken from reflected damage, the Warmaster Mastery or the Giant Slayer Mastery cannot exceed 50,000 per attack.
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Provoke], [Block Active Skills], [Block Passive Skills], [Fear], [True Fear], and [Petrification] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, cooldown increasing effects and Turn Meter reduction effects.
Decapitation Effect [Passive]
Whenever this head is decapitated, heals all enemy Champions by 30% of their MAX HP, then restores 50% of the MAX HP of any enemy Champions whose MAX HP has been decreased.

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Crock of shit !
Making a boss mob arbitrarily immune to specific attacks and capping damage that would make the fight easier is just piss poor mob design and lazy programming !
this is where I gracefully step to one side and let the raid brains (HH) figure out how to hurt this thing……
For me, it looks like Plarium is trying to cut every possibility for players to get free shards. So I expect, that there will be just Hydra clan boss. And unkillable teams will be not usefull anymore. They did it with daily login and I quest they will continue with Clan boss.
I’m thinking this is going to be an endgame player type of challenge, possibly a difficulty unlocked after UNM, rather than a straight up replacement for the Demon Lord boss. As far as the fight itself, I’m already looking at a few champs to include: Tuhanarak, possibly Ruel, an aoe burn champ… wish I had a Duchess, because she’ll be MVP I think. All theory crafting at this point.
It took me the better part of a year to finally assemble a barely competent unkillable team. They are diluting the champion pool faster than anyone but a whale can keep up with. They are adding more daily tasks to run than I can complete in a day. They put out new items that only someone spending thousands of dollars can acquire through tournaments (the last one I was in a group where the top player had 37000 tournament points). They spam you to death with one or more Pack offer pop-ups every single time you go back to the main page. I think i’ve had about all I can take from this company and this game. I think the Hydra and the dupe(?) system are the last straw for me. As much as I love the game, I don’t LIVE the game. I can’t keep up, I can’t compete, and I CERTAINLY can’t afford it. They’ve squeeze every ounce of joy out of this game and made it a pure money grab and I can’t stand it any more.
Jeez, you guys are harsh… I’m just excited for new, additional content to master! It’s not like it’s replacing the normal Clan Boss.
The Arena is currently getting harder by the day again, Doomtower is ridiculously hard and UN Clan Boss is not a pushover. I spend a bit but the goals just seem to getting further away. I like the game but if I’m honest, as soon as there is a good alternative I’m gone.
DT is not hard if you have certain champions for example seer. you can literally facerool Hard DT waves with seer at least until floor 80. last 5 floors i switch to HP burn strat and control with Drexthar and Scyl instead of seel. Boss fights need gear for sure. I find DT content and faction wars great challenges and you dont need a ton of champs to do it. just some good ones that bring key abilities around control
You summarized it all. Its not hard IF you have the (few) right champions, that you have to be either very lucky to drop or spend ridiculous amount of cash while not being certain that you might ever drop them. Same for DT bosses, same for hydra, same for UNM clan boss.. I dont call it a challenge i call it artificial difficulty by poor game design but genius marketing design…
so a couple of things. the obvious ones we will need 3 champs at least with strengthen and perf veil buffs and potentially cleanse. Resistance is a big questionmark as some abilities CAN be resisted OR get cleansed afterwards so cleansers will be important unless they pull a bommel ie. you cant remove the debuf, yet to be seen. Also cant see how Leech wont be mandatory in such a fight for longer survivability. HP burn will 100% has its place for max damage despite resistances and poisons should also be ok to deal with. Would be good to get some info as to how decapacitation is achieved. Is it to do certain ammount of damage like the dragon fight? OR something else
I feel it is a wonderful thing to have such a huge update that didn’t seem to break the game. However, I feel that maybe some of the daily tasks can go by the wayside, there is WAY WAY WAY tooooooo much shit to have to get done in a day. I work 8+ hours like majority if not all of you, I don’t have time to play an 8+ hour game a day. I originally started playing this game as F2P and loved it back then cause it was pretty simple and easy to understand. Didn’t have to run a million different things and it was pretty casual then to. I feel Plarium has essentially turned a mobile game into a PlayStation or Xbox Style game on mobile. Kind of getting tired of the additions, why don’t they fix the shit we keep complaining about first then worry about the whales.
Here is a hint for Plarium, make the fixes for the game that are complaints like the freaking arena for example, make it semi simple to play again not sooooo many tasks and you’ll keep more of the current players and those current players if happy will recommend the game to their friends as I did back in the day. This is how you keep people happy Plarium, the Whales will be Whales even if you don’t cater to them, they just want the best of the best all the time so they will spend the money. Put something out that is super enticing to the Whales once in a while and they will spend and stay around as well.
Hydra is just GD annoying, that is all
could we get an update with each hydra head image attached to the descriptions? would really help identify them.
Can you add stats of each head on each level of difficulty to this page? Please?
Please add strats to the hydra guide. I agree that it is boring, but i have som useful champs and would love some guides. currently 3 keying Normal. Really want mithrala for fun stuff.