HellHades Guide to Clan Boss

HellHades Guide to Clan Boss

Raid: Shadow Legends has a daily clan event to defeat the Clan Boss. All clan members can use their keys which refill every 6 hours to fight the clan boss (you can purchase more keys for 100 gems however this is not recommended as best use of your gems). The Clan Boss scales in difficulty from Easy to Normal to Hard to Brutal to Nightmare and then finally Ultra Nightmare. Each upgrade in level increases the rewards you can receive but also the quality of the team you will have to utilise.
Below are the most important stats to understand when building your teams. If you do not exceed the required accuracy you will fail to land any debuffs such as poison, decrease attack and decrease defence which will dramatically reduce your damage output and the time you stay alive. If you do not have enough defence your team will die early and you will not maximise your damage potential.
A good early game tactic is to deploy your highest ranked champions as you will have a much stronger stat gain on a level 60 than a level 50. You should look to have the entire team in Life Steal gear ideally focusing on main stats on gloves with HP% or DEF%, chest with HP% or DEF% and boots with speed.
The strongest way to do damage to the Clan Boss is through Poison Debuffs and tier 6 mastery procs of War Master or Giant Slayer in the Offence Tree. As a rule, if your champion as an A1 ability which hits 1 or 2 times you would take War Master and if your champion has an A1 ability which hits 3 or 4 times you would take Giant Slayer.
The Clan boss will begin on Void affinity which is largely seen as the easiest mode because your whole team will have a neutral affinity and therefore it is far easier to ensure you can control who is going to be attacked by the Clan Bosses abilities. When the Clan Boss losses 50% of its health it will switch to another affinity, either Force, Magic or Spirit and it will remain on that affinity until the server resets. The Clan Boss never truly dies but remains at 1% until reset.
Provided your team get the Clan Boss to this final state everyone who has attacked will get double chest rewards, therefore it is far more rewarding to defeat one level of Clan boss than to hit multiple levels.
Clan Boss abilities
The first ability is an attack all enemy ability which scales from the Clan Bosses Attack. On Void affinity it will hit your team for 1 hit, on all other affinities it hits for 4 hits and the Clan Boss applies increase Atk buff on itself.
The second ability is an attack all enemy ability which scales from the Clan Bosses Attack. On Void affinity this will also place a 2.5% poison on all your team. It changes on Force affinity to a Decrease Attack debuff, on Magic Affinity to a Decrease Accuracy Debuff and on Spirit Affinity to a Decrease Speed Debuff. The spirit affinity is deemed as the toughest Clan Boss to face as decreasing your speed can dramatically affect the way you set up your team.
The third ability is a single target hit which scales off the HP of the target. The higher the HP of the target the harder it will hit! Therefore, a great strategy is to ensure this target has very high defence and lower HP levels.
Due to the first two AOE abilities scaling off the Clan Boss’s attack, placing a Decrease Attack Debuff on the Clan Boss before these land is the most important thing to do to help you stay alive for significantly longer.
Important Debuffs and Buffs you will need to beat the Clan Boss
Debuffs are extremely important to beat the Clan Boss in Raid: Shadow Legends. You can only have a maximum of 10 debuffs on the Clan Boss at any given time! These are the most important in order:
Decrease Att
This stops you taking as much damage and therefore enables you to live longer into the fight and have more rounds to do damage
This will be a significant amount of your damage on the Clan Boss.
This boosts the damage from all your hits including War master and Giant Slayer hits by 25%. Before Nightmare Clan Boss this raises your damage by more than Decrease Def.
Decrease Def
This boosts the damage from all your hits including War master and Giant Slayer. The higher the level of Clan Boss you fight, the more defence it has. This has significantly more effect from Nightmare Clanboss onwards.
HP Burn
This is the hardest hitting Debuff in the game for Clan Boss but it is limited to just 1 per target. This Debuffs scales by the rarity of your champion meaning a Rare HP burn hits for less than a Legendary HP Burn.
This will enable you to move away from Life Steal gear and dramatically enhance the stats you can achieve on your teams
Buffs are another extremely important thing to consider for your team, often giving you the ability to do more damage over time. These are the most important
Buffs for Clan Boss:
Counter Attack – This enables your team to get additional hits on the Clan Boss when it hits you!
Increase Speed or turn meter increase – Enables you to move faster and therefore hit more times. As you progress you may decide to remove this buff as you may start an end game strategy of speed tuning!
Increase Defence – You need to stack a lot of defence on your team to enable you to live as long as possible. Increase Def buff makes this even more effective!
Ally Protection – One of your team will take 50% of the damage directed at other weaker members of your team. It is recommended to have two people with this ability if used so that they can take it in turns to share the damage of the team. The person with this ability should have very high defence and higher HP.
Unkillable – This is currently the best endgame strategy to ensure maximum chest rewards. It requires certain champion combinations and exact speeds for your whole team to make it effective but can mean you would go 50 turns without dying.
Team Roles depending on available champions in order of importance
⦁ Decrease Atk
⦁ Poisoner
⦁ Counterattack
⦁ Decrease Defence / Weaken
⦁ Ally Attack
⦁ Support – Increase Defence, Heals, Ally Protection
⦁ Debuff extender (If Vizier he becomes the number 1 on this list!)
⦁ Leader – The only Aura which applies in Clan Boss is all battles!
Recommended gear sets
⦁ 99% of people will need to use Life Steal 4 piece set unless they have a champion with a consistent Leech Debuffs or another way to heal through the damage.
⦁ Accuracy 2-piece sets are good if you are not hitting the minimum accuracy requirement for the level of Clan Boss you are facing.
⦁ Speed sets are used more and more the further into the Clan Boss you get as your team evolves. This is generally when you have an alternative way to heal through the damage or if you are building unkillable teams.
⦁ Perception Set is great to give you speed and accuracy boosts.
⦁ Stalwart set is an end game gear set which is also fantastic for anyone who is using Ally Protection. If you use this set, you need alternative ways to heal that champion.
On YouTube I have a large selection of Clan Boss videos that can help you at all levels of the game! See a selection from my Clan Boss playlist and Account Takeover Playlist below!
Good luck!

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It seems you’re missing the chart you have on your discord site with the min Speed, ACC, defence etc. numbers for the various bosses.
It’d be helpful to have that here in this guide.
Yep a very handy chart as a quick reference for baseline stats needed for each CB lvl !
You can find the chart under “GUIDES >>> 10 MID-GAME TIPS THAT YOU NEED TO KNOW”. Link: https://hellhades.com/10-mid-game-tips-that-you-need-to-know-in-raid-shadow-legends/
Heh, didn’t think to look there. Thanks for pointing it out.
Yeah, I came here looking for the Accuracy requirement, its unclear where to find that if its not here. Any one know where it on on HH site?
Raid stages tool, search for the level of the Demon Lord you are facing.
Dear Hellhades,
Thanks for the tips and tricks in this video. It was a real eyeopener. The last days I’m putt most of my energy in the clanboss and the results are better.
Alex (SirStorm67)
Appreciate it!
Hey man I just want to thank you for your time I am currently subscribed as a free member but I do want to make a donation tomorrow do I have to a PayPal card I do not put my credit card number on the phone but like I said I would definitely like to make a donation to you guys or on $20 or so I currently cannot afford a membership and I think it would be irresponsible knowing that I cannot continue to pay that bill every month but I can make a donation here and there to help you guys out seeing how much you help me out thank you so much you and your whole clan
Wow man that means a lot to everyone on the team – there is a link under the membership plans under “Donations” on the membership page if you want to support the site that way <3
On your old excel chart, there was a few unkillable team templates. I failed to see them in the website. I managed to pull 1 maneater, 1 painkeeper, 1 seeker and 1 skullcrusher… Trying to figure out the best combination and requirements for my first NM clan boss tryout! (I tried to check deadwoodjedi but his stuff is way less comprehensible than yours)
that old excel sheet still exists https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YjETkvBMVKZr7CPDjL_iIy_Wa6-psHob6so6fgKLX7c/edit#gid=0
Required spd / def / acc for each CB lvl should be added to the guide, please :p
Agree with above comment, I am aware it’s part of optimiser, but simple table with stats in this article would help a lot.
Use the raid stages tool, search for the level of the Demon Lord you are facing.
What speeds do I need to run my 2 maneaters for NM CB?
How can I 1 key normal? Right now, I am at 1 key for easy and depending on CB affinity, 2-3 for normal.
How do I invite players to join my clan
What I’m missing and haven’t figured out as mid-game player, how much healing (no leech) would be enough to move out Life-steal for NM/UNM and which champions can do that. I.E. i’ve heard Bad El heals could be enough, but he probably need to be very fast.
Watching my CB team run in auto lately I’ve noticed whenever the poisons (I run Urogrim) tick off, there are the normal 50k damage ticks and then at the end there is always a 75k damage tick. Is this normal for all poisoners?? I’m not complaining but I cannot figure out where the 75k hit comes from… This happens on void and any affinity.
My Void Team in order: SS, Uro, Kreela, Rhazin, Scyl
My Affinity Team in order: SS, Uro, Geo, Rhazin, Kreela
Strange… Posions should always do 50k damage. Do you have a burn applied to the clanboss? A burn debuff deals 75k damage.
Hellhades and team,
Just wanted to thank you for such a treasure trove of useful information. I just signed up with a free account and will certainly be sending a contribution your way soon.
As for me, I’m a late Boomer who spends perhaps $50/month. Been playing for over a year. Learning new info constantly, primarily thanks to you and Ash.
Again, my thanks and best wishes to you all.
What speed do my Sepulcher need for nightmare clan boss for a 4:3 ratio? I cant find it on deadwoodjedi. Please tell me if you know the required speed!
What speed do my Sepulcher need for nightmare (Not ultra-nightmare!) clan boss for a 4:3 ratio? I cant find it on deadwoodjedi. Please tell me if you know the required speed!
Regarding your latest video: I gave it a thumbs-down simply because the information provided is insufficient. I saw nothing in it that was any help to me whatsoever. I have been trying to get a decent damage output in Nightmare for ages. Nothing I do, no changes that I make even get me enough for the most basic chests. You guys talk about speed tuning, yada-yada, but not about the gear needed other than the most obvious – speed boots – which don’t exactly grow on trees! I don’t have *any* of the champions that you all crow about! I hear endless yack about Unkillable teams while my Painkeeper, for example, never seems to use that skill even though she is fully booked! I think the biggest problem here is that *non* of you seem to remember the days when you first started playing and there was all of this complicated yack about what should be done and when. You all have your Maneaters, Skullcrowns, Gorgorabs, all your high-powered Legendaries and the like, when I barely have the most basic idea on what to do with Ninja and Scyl! And who has endless hours in a day to watch videos when they are of so limited help in the first place? It’s all the same: talk about using you 6* Legendaries and Epics in their +16 gear. It comes right back to the fact that *you* have hundreds of 6* lvl 60 Champions with thousands of pieces of 5 & 6* +16 gear and people like *me* have only a small fraction of either and not enough of anything to get anywhere. And don’t get me started about all the new champions which are laying my Champion collection to waste, or the fact that I was one Gold 4 in Arena and now get knocked back to Silver each and every week!
Imagine if there was a website or youtube channel with 1,000’s of videos, tools, and guides to help you…
You want help? HERE YOU GO! Hellhades F2P series, season 2. GEt enough acc, def, and 170+ speed. I am currently at a 3 key nightmare affinity neutral, sometimes a 2 key on void. My team is Elhain (Trash, in there as a stun target and because she has warmaster), Kael (Decent poisoner, does good damage but I would prefer a t.ex. Frozen Banshee instead), Ninja (My main damage dealer and my best built champion, I managed to get the cooldowns on his a2 and a3 by winning a champ chace with 62 ancients, giving me 4 leggos, all bad. His a2 deals so much damage! His a1 also helps with dec def.), Venomage (My dec atk, as well as a bit of posion + posion explosion. Coffin smasher or any other a1 dec atk would be better. With that, my team wouldnt be dead as soon as Kael dies.), Fahrakhin the Fat (a1 dec def, not really needed for that, but ally atk deals a lot of damage, + a bit of posion!). They are in decent gear. They survive 20-30 turns and deal 13,5-20,5 million damage. About a third of their gear is from campain or starter lifesteal gear, and the rest is from farming Dragon 17. I hope this will help you. A majority off HH’s videos are F2P friendly unless they are on his main account. While I dont have a team full of legendarys, I do have 2 quite good epics. They are pretty replaceable, with Fahrakhin beeing the hardest to “replace”, but he doesn’t do that much in the team. Once again, I hope this will help you, otherwise, as stated in the beggining, go watch hellhades ftp season 2 (Warning, he gets 2 BUSTED epics early.)
I am considering building an unkillable UNM/NM clanboss team. Roshcard (248sp), Gnarlhorn (174sp), Steelskull (186sp), Frozen Banshee (178sp) Frozen Banshee (177sp). These speeds seem to work on the Deadwood Jedi Speed Calculator but I am trying to figure out if I will be maxing damage with 3 poisoners or if I should add Fain (177sp) as my final champ… my thinking is that 100% poison sensitivity will be more important than Dec Def and Weaken. I would love feedback from any who have experience. Thanks in advance.
Also… Good luck HH on the champ training event! I’m cheering for you! :)