Secret Room 2 – NORMAL GUIDE (Rotation 1)

SECRET ROOM 2 – Normal Guide

This secret room requires you to use Banner Lord Faction Champions only. Let’s break down how to approach this challenge!

Enemy Waves

Below are the waves you will face in the secret room including the stats – generally secret room enemies are much slower than other aspects of Doom Tower. You should pay special attention to the following problematic champions:
Septimus and Hordin can cause you some issues if you’re particularly squishy – And Sethallia‘s abilities will prolong the life of the enemies if allowed to get a turn.
Wave 1

Wave 2

Wave 3

How to beat the secret room!

Below is the recommend team that is best fit to beat this room. We also detail alternatives for each champion if you do not have them. It is worth noting alternatives are fine replacements but will be less efficient i.e. potentially make the run slower or require you to run a few times to get good RNG.

The key to completing this level, will be to pick off the support Champions and control the enemies, Decrease ATK is very useful here to reduce incoming damage, due to it being a low-level floor still, the enemies do not have a huge amount of health and won’t be hard to pick off. Prioritize killing the revivers and you’ll be able to get through this level. Alternatively, you can kill the damage dealers while controlling the turn meter of the Supports.
MVPs for this Strategy
Stag Knight – Stag Knight is well known and renowned for his ability to Decrease ATK and DEF on a short Cooldown with his A2 – This room is great for him, however, he is a weak affinity against some of the enemies so expect some weak hits!
Ursala the Mourner – As with all progression, having a reviver in your team is incredibly handy to help you get through and complete the stage.
Septimus – Because of how low level this stage is, Septimus is able to trigger his extra turn frequently on his A1 which will power you through the level.
Hordin – Just like Septimus, Hordin is able to endlessly trigger his extra turn by A1ing the enemies to death, allowing him to clear waves very efficiently.
Archmage Helmut – Archmage Helmut is truly legendary in an epics skin, not only does he provide your team with some incredibly valuable buffs – his A2 is absolutely amazing for locking out enemy waves.
Champion Alternatives
Not every player will have this exact team, but there are very good options to some of these champions. Below we detail viable alternatives:
Stag Knight – Dagger, Sigmund the Highshield,
Ursala the Mourner – Raglin, Sethallia, Minaya, Valerie, Chancellor Yasmin
Septimus /Hordin – Any form of damage
Archmage Helmut – Seneschal, Lugan the Steadfast, Extra Damage/Support
Oathbound – This is a Flexi spot, that can be filled by an additional of any of the above roles.