Kuldath, the Magma Dragon Guide

Kuldath, the Magma Dragon

Kuldath the Magma Dragon appears in Rotations 1 and 2 in the Doom Tower. This encounter will force you to build a team specifically designed to counter its mechanics, Let’s break it down.

Ability Breakdown

Brand with Weakness [ATK]
Attacks 1 enemy. Decreases the target’s Turn Meter by 50%.
Will target enemies under [Hex] debuff.
Overburn [ATK]
Attacks all enemies. Instantly activates any [HP Burn] debuffs on each target and decreases the duration of those [HP Burn] debuffs by 1 turn.
Stoke the Flames [ATK]
Attacks all enemies. Places a [HP Burn] debuff for 3 turns, then steals 10% of the Turn Meter from each enemy under [HP Burn] debuff.
Also places a [Hex] debuff for 4 turns on the enemy with the lowest HP. This debuff cannot be resisted or blocked.
Lethal Lava [Passive]
Instantly places a [Hex] debuffs for 4 turns on an enemy whenever they remove [Hex] debuff from themselves or an ally.
Will ignore [Block Damage], [Shield] and [Unkillable] buffs and will ignore 100% of DEF when attacking enemies under [Hex] debuffs.
Instantly removes any [HP Burn] debuff placed on Kuldath the Magma Dragon and replaces them with a 15% [Continuous Heal] for 2 turns.
Invincible Scales [Passive]
Immune to [Stun], [Freeze], [Sleep], [Hex], [Block Cooldown Skills], [Fear] and [True Fear] debuffs. Also immune to HP exchange effects, HP balancing effects, and cooldown increasing effects.
Almighty Strength [Passive]
Damage from skills that scale based on enemy MAX HP cannot exceed 10% of the boss’ MAX HP when attacking the boss

How to beat the boss!

Kuldath is by far the easiest of the Doom Tower bosses, for one simple reason – you can stop him from doing ANY of his abilities.
Unlike any other boss in the game, you can control Kuldath by provoking him which makes the fight a complete joke. All you need to do is bring in 1-2 provoke champions who can keep high uptime of the debuff.
If you’re unable to provoke Kuldath, he will hit incredibly hard and place hexes and HP burns on your team, which he can activate with his A2.
Things to avoid:
- Do not bring HP burn to this encounter, Kuldath will instantly remove any HP burn and replace them with a 15% Continuous heal buff.
- Unkillable, shields and Block Damage buffs are largely irrelevant in this encounter if you’re not provoking him, as if you have a Hex debuff, Kuldath will ignore all these buffs.
- If you cleanse Hex from an ally, the cleanser will receive a Hex debuff for 4 turns, so be careful with cleansing.

Required Stat Breakpoints

For a full stat breakdown, use our handy Raid Stages Tool which displays enemy stats for every encounter in the game. If you are not already a member of the HellHades community, you can sign up for a Free Account to gain access to this tool. Below we will outline the minimum stats you should aim for:
The key stats you should consider are Accuracy and Speed on your team alongside good HP/Def to survive the damage.
Rotation 1 – Normal
You will face Kuldath on Floor 10, 80 and 110 Normal and is Magic Affinity. To be successful, aim for:
- Speed: 175+
- Accuracy: 125+
- Resistance: 225+
You should ensure you have enough HP and Defence to survive this encounter. Generally we advise at least 30k HP and 2800 Defence for Normal.
Rotation 1 – Hard
You will face Kuldath on Floor 10, 80 and 110 Hard and is Magic Affinity. To be successful, aim for:
- Speed: 200+
- Accuracy: 355+
- Resistance: 375+
You should ensure you have enough HP and Defence to survive this encounter. Generally we advise at least 50k HP and 3500 Defence for Hard.
Rotation 2 – Normal
You will face Kuldath on Floor 20, 60 and 100 Normal and is Force Affinity. To be successful, aim for:
- Speed: 175+
- Accuracy: 125+
- Resistance: 225+
You should ensure you have enough HP and Defence to survive this encounter. Generally, we advise at least 30k HP and 2800 Defence for Normal.
Rotation 2 – Hard
You will face Kuldath on Floor 20, 60 and 100 Normal and is Force Affinity. To be successful, aim for:
- Speed: 175+
- Accuracy: 355+
- Resistance: 375+
You should ensure you have enough HP and Defence to survive this encounter. Generally, we advise at least 50k HP and 3500 Defence for Hard.

Team Compositions

Strategy 1: Provoke and Ignore Mechanics!

The whole idea of this strategy is just to permanently keep a Provoke debuff on Kuldath, for the entire fight while you whittle it down. To make sure that your provoker(s) can survive you may want to bring some healing in your team to make sure they don’t fall over!
This is by far the smoothest method for the fight, as you prevent it from using any of its abilities.
The All-Star:
Warchief (Skinwalkers, Force)
Warchief is incredible for this boss, due to his ability to provoke it permanently from both his A1 and A2 – He is also not weak affinity for either version of the Magma Dragon (currently) while that doesn’t mean that a Spirit affinity version won’t come into Doom Tower one day.
He can single-handed lockout the boss for the whole fight, if he’s fast enough + has the required accuracy, all you need to do is stack up his defensive stats and run some sustain in your team with him.
Viable replacements in this team:
The healers in this team (Bad El-Kazar/Scyl) can be replaced by any champion who can provide sustained healing for your provoker.
Lydia – Stag Knight, Madame Serris, Tayrel, Uugo
Iron Brago – Altan, Sepulcher Sentinel
As mentioned any provoker will fill Warchief’s spot, however, he is the best option – of course, we do understand not everybody has access to him.

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Great tips, was able to get the job done on Normal with Vizix and Umbral with Saint Nick, Scyl and Ursala…
What is it that makes Aothar 4.5* against magma dragon?
Why is Visix 1* for this? I would have thought her provoke would have had her at 3* or 4* at least?