
Champion Overall Rating: 3
Key Areas
Arena Def: | 8 |
Arena Atk: | 8 |
Clan Boss: | 2 |
Doom Tower Waves: | 9 |
Spider: | 6 |
Fire Knight: | 6 |
Dragon: | 6 |
Ice Golem: | 8 |
Faction Wars
Doom Tower
Magma Dragon: | 3 |
Frost Spider: | 7 |
Nether Spider: | 3 |
Scarab King: | 4 |
Eternal Dragon: | 4 |
Celestial Griffin: | 7 |
Dreadhorn: | 2 |
Dark Fae: | 7 |

Champion Type


A2, A3
Often considered the worst Legendary in the game, Nobel has few uses without requiring specific champion pairings. His main use right now is to empower Ninja who is a very strong legendary to give him more stats. That being said, he does have some value if you pair him with a champion who can provide reliable Fear such as Ma’Shalled. His kit is designed to be a monster Turn Meter manipulator but its all dependent on attacking fear targets.
In Patch 5.30, Nobel received some buffs to help lift him out of the doldrums of the vault. His A3 will now decrease 50% of an enemies turn meter instead of 20% whilst his passive will place a True Fear whenever a Turn meter is depleted. His base speed was also increased to be more in line with other champions. Overall this is a step in the right direction but it does not remove the need for that secondary champion. He will however slow the enemies down significantly more than before.
Smell Fear
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 40% chance of decreasing the duration of 2 random buffs on the target by 1 turn. If the target is under a [Fear] or [True Fear] debuff, has a 65% chance of decreasing the duration of all of the target’s buffs by 1 turn instead.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Damage Rating
Multiplier: 3.9*ATKOverall Grading*: Godlike
Harbinger - 3 Turn Cooldown
Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 30% of the target’s DEF. Fills this champion’s Turn Meter by 25% after the attack. If the target is under [Fear] or [True Fear] debuff, decreases the cooldown of the Dismay skill by 1 turn.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4 Cooldown -1
Damage Rating
Multiplier: 3.4*ATKOverall Grading*: Average
Dismay - 4 Turn Cooldown
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of decreasing each enemy’s turn Meter by 50% If there are enemies under [Fear] or [True Fear] debuffs, will also fill this champion’s Turn Meter by the amount the enemies lose.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Damage Rating
Multiplier: 4*ATKOverall Grading*: Strong
Desolation [P]
Whenever an enemy’s Turn Meter is fully depleted by any champion, has a 75% chance of placing a [True Fear] debuff on that enemy for 1 turn.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +15%
*Grading is calculated using Realistic Battle Scenarios - Read More Here
PVE Masteries

PVP Masteries

Recommended PVE Stats
Recommended PVE Artifact Sets
Perception, Cruel, Savage, Speed, Accuracy
Recommended PVP Stats
Recommended PVP Artifact Sets
Perception, Cruel, Savage, Speed, Accuracy