Fusion Guide: Karato Foxhunter

Fusion Guide: Karato Foxhunter

Karato Foxhunter is a Spirit Affinity Shadowkin Legendary. He’s this year’s Valentines Fusion event, starting today (10/02/2022).
His staple ability is his passive. He is the first champion whose damage will bypass all enemy passive skills and masteries. Depending on his damage multipliers, this may make him an extremely strong nuker against strong defence champions such as Duchess Lilitu and Candraphon. However, he also will lose mastery and passive benefits in your team.
He brings an AoE attack with Block Active Skills debuff and his other abilities bring a 100% chance to Stun a target and a triple hit a1 with Weaken makes him great for progressing in Fire Knight or for use in Clan Boss (you will want Giant Slayer for these areas). His abilities are enhanced by Yumeko which makes him significantly stronger. He could potentially cycle his A2 to continuously kill the enemy and reset the cooldown and if Yumeko dies you can cut in and take turns either by killing an enemy or by blocking active skills.

Three Visitations
Attacks 1 enemy 3 times. Each hit has a 20% chance of placing a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 4: Damage +5%
Level 5: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Bedevil – 4 Turn Cooldown
Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [Stun] debuff for 2 turns. Grants an Extra turn and resets the cooldown of this skill if Yumeko is on the same team and this skill kills an enemy.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Suppression Ward – 4 Turn Cooldown
Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. This debuff cannot be resisted if Yumeko is on the same team.
Level 2: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +10%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Stoicism [P]
Damage inflicted by this Champion cannot be decreased by enemy Passive skills or Masteries, except by the Passive skills of Bosses.
Damage inflicted by this Champion cannot be increased by ally Passive Skills or Masteries either.
Whenever Yumeko dies, instantly grants a turn to this Champion and resets the cooldowns of each of this Champion’s skills.
Increases Ally C.RATE in all Battles by 20%

Is Karato Foxhunter worth going for?
We always recommend going for every Fusion, if you have the resources to do so – however as mentioned above, Karato could be very useful for many accounts, with 100% chance to place [Block Active Skills] AOE, and also help in Fire Knight Progression.
As with many fusions, Karato will be very handy for any new, progressing player if they are able to get their hands on him.
As this is a Traditional Fusion, you will need to collect 16 Rares, to fuse 4 Epics, to then fuse Karato . Each of these will need to be levelled up and ascended.

Fusion Requirements:
Due to this being a traditional Fusion event, you will need to collect the following Champions to fuse Karato.
x4 Fylja
Each of these epics will be acquired through events or through fusing with 4 rares, which will be available through events.
As always, we will keep you updated every step of the way through the events, providing you with daily updates.
Levelling these Champions will require:
48x 3-star chickens
16x 4-star chickens
Ascending these Champions will require:
Type | Lesser | Greater | Superior |
Spirit | 40 | 16 | 0 |
Magic | 40 | 96 | 24 |
Force | 40 | 16 | 0 |
Void | 40 | 16 | 0 |
Arcane | 80 | 108 | 12 |

Fusion Calendar:
February 10th:
Classic Arena Takedown – Medicus
Ice Golem Tournament – Spymaster
February 11th:
Summon Rush Event – Cagebound & Fylja
February 12th:
Dungeon Divers Event 1 – Trugorr
Artifact Enhancement Event 1 – Spymaster
February 14th:
Champion Training Event – Trugorr & Cagebound
Spider Tournament – Medicus
February 17th:
Classic Arena Takedown 2 – Spymaster
Artifact Enhancement Event 2 – Medicus
February 18th:
Champion Chase Tournament – Cagebound
Dragon Tournament – Trugorr
February 19th:
Dungeon Divers Event 2 – Spymaster
February 21st:
Champion Training Tournament 2 – Medicus
February 22nd:
Artifact Enhancement Event 2 – Trugorr
Fire Knight Tournament – Cagebound

Day 1:
New Events:
Classic Arena Takedown – 390 Points – Medicus
Ice Golem Tournament – 2250 Points – Spymaster
It’s time to dive into the Arena today, the Classic Arena Tournament as always is quite a passive one, you should be ensuring to use all of your daily battles which should allow you to receive the points for this rare fairly easily, of course, if you’re struggling in the Arena this may prove to be a bit of a challenge, but make sure you are persistent in refreshing your fight page every 15min and taking on fights you know you can win – don’t take unnecessary risks.
With the release of Gold V today, this is a great time to push your way up!
The first day of the fusion is always part excitement part waiting for the events. We start this fusion at the Ice Golem’s Peak where you will need 2250 points to acquire your first rare champion. Ice Golem is probably the most frustrating dungeon for players due to the boss mechanics so you can brush up on your options using our Ice Golem Guide. Super Raids will also be active as announced in the Super Raids article so you can save yourself time on this event. Remember: If you fail you also lose double the energy so only use the super raids if you are confident your team has a high success rate.

Day 2:
New Events:
Summon Rush – 2450/4600 Points – Cagebound / Fylja
This summon rush is pretty disgusting in terms of point requirements, compared to what we typically see, with over 1000 points more than our “higher end” fusion requirements.
Nonetheless, if you want to pull shards to get yourself Fylja and save doing 4 other events, or to keep a copy you will need to pull a lot of shards! Thankfully Plarium has provided us with a rather impactful 10x weekend for Valentine’s day which you can read more about here, but here’s the shortlist of it.
(1) This Friday, February 11th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Zavia from Ancient & Sacred Shards and Belanor from Void Shards
(2) On Saturday, February 12th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Cupidus from Ancient & Sacred Shards and Venus from Void Shards
(3) On Sunday, February 13th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Sicia Flametongue from Ancient & Sacred Shards and Cardiel from Void Shards
(4) And, on Monday, February 14th, we’re planning to launch x10 event to summon Rotos the Lost Groom from Ancient & Sacred Shards and Siphi the Lost Bride from Void Shards

Day 3:
New Events:
Dungeon Divers Event – 3750 Points – Trugorr
Artifact Enhancement Event – 3500 Points – Spymaster
It’s time to carry on farming Dungeons for Dungeon Divers! The point requirement here is rather large, but it overlaps with Ice Golem Tournament that is currently active, along with Spider and Champion Training which are upcoming – we have 4 days to hit 3750 Points to get our hands on Trugorr
As for the Artifact Enhancement Event
To get this event’s Rare, Spymaster, you’ll require 3500 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

Day 5:
New Events:
Champion Training Event – 3500/7150 Points – Trugorr & Cagebound
Spider Tournament – 2250 Points – Medicus
For today’s Spider Tournament, it’s time to get your grind on! Whether you need some shiny new accessories or are in need of a bit of a Silver replenishment in time for the next Artifact Enhancement Event, you’re going to want to invest your energy tackling the Spider repeatedly, 2250 points will take a maximum of 140 successful runs of level 20+, based on the worst possible rewards, however, could be significantly lower.
This tournament is also a great chance to double-dip and finish off any remaining rewards you might be missing from the Dungeon Diver event that started recently.
Champion Training Event is a relatively high point requirement, but not anything out of reach! Make sure you’re focusing all your energy on the campaign when you can!
Make sure you are also levelling your chickens BEFORE feeding them to get the extra points, you can do this easily by just throwing a few brews into the 4*/5* chickens before you use them as food, it will really help you gain your points to make this doable.
Take this time to level up all of your food and 6 stars some of the champions you’ve wanted to for a while!
These events will also sync up with Clan vs Clan that begins tomorrow!

Day 8:
New Events:
Classic Arena Takedown 2 – 390 Points – Spymaster
Artifact Enhancement Event 2 – 3500 Points – Medicus
It’s time to dive into the Arena today, the Classic Arena Tournament as always is quite a passive one, you should be ensuring to use all of your daily battles which should allow you to receive the points for this rare fairly easily, of course, if you’re struggling in the Arena this may prove to be a bit of a challenge, but make sure you are persistent in refreshing your fight page every 15min and taking on fights you know you can win – don’t take unnecessary risks.
As for the Artifact Enhancement Event
To get this event’s Rare, Spymaster, you’ll require 3500 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

Day 9:
New Events:
Champion Chase Tournament – 2200 Points – Cagebound
Dragon Tournament – 2250 Points – Trugorr
Todays Dragon Tournament, much like the other Tournaments of this fusion will require 2250 Points for the rare, which is a maximum of 140 runs, stage 20 or higher, based on the worst possible drops. We highly recommend waiting with this till tomorrow due to the Dungeon Divers event that will begin – if it is anything like the previous one, it will be a pretty high point requirement.
As for the Champion Chase Tournament, this lines up beautifully with the x2 Sacred Event this weekend, which makes points very easy, however, 2200 Points for just a rare is quite steep, hopefully you’ve got a few sacreds in the bag to get your points here – Hellhades will be live on twitch tonight to pull viewer shards!

Day 10:
New Events:
Dungeon Divers Event – 2850 Points – Spymaster
It’s time to dive into the Dungeons, this will be a great way to double-dip with the Dragon Tournament that’s currently active. The requirement for this one is significantly lower than the last Dungeon Divers event which is a relief to see. Just keep farming the necessary steps of the fusion and this will mostly complete itself without serious attention.

Day 12:
New Events:
Champion Training Tournament 2 – 5150 Points – Medicus
The champion training tournament is very similar to a champion training event in terms of how to earn points, but the key difference is you can gain points for ascending your champions, a great way to stockpile points is by ascending the first few ranks on lots of champions, this will help make up your points, 5150 points should be fairly easy for most in the time frame for the event.
If you’ve not already done so, I suggest preparing the food required for all of your fusion components during this time, or in fact, levelling the epics/rares you’ve picked up so far as that will get you most of the way if not all of the way to completing the required points to get Medicus.

Day 13:
New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event 2 – 3500 Points – Trugorr
Fire Knight Tournament – 2250 Points – Cagebound
Today’s Fire Knight Tournament, much like the other Tournaments of this fusion will require 2250 Points for the rare, which is a maximum of 140 runs, stage 20 or higher, based on the worst possible drops.
As for the Artifact Enhancement Event
To get this event’s Rare, Trugorr, you’ll require 3500 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

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Thank you for the Fusion Event Calendar, it is very helpful.
Ditto on the love for the event calendar. I always appreciate the resource requirements listed as well.
Seems like the only real challenge this event is going to be the champion training on Monday. The Champion Chase next weekend (18-20 Feb) should be during the 2x yellow shard event and looks to only have one champion reward.
I agree with the comments about the event calendar. Why can’t they just put one in game, along with the news for all events. Would be nice to see everything all together. Chosen did a vid where he drew on this calendar with those events which I found really helpful.
The summon rush is a complete joke for this fusion, even by Plarium standards. 2450 points / 5 gold shards required for a rare and 4600 points / 9+ gold shards for an epic is just not worth it.
At least the summon rush is at the start of the event so I can just forget about the whole thing, I was looking forward to completing the event but the summon rush requirements are just too high this time around and not worth it with all the other effort needed for the fusion. This Fusion is really disappointing :(
I agree. Its a lot of shards. When I saw it I was going to cancel the attempt, but if I have worked this out right you do not need to get the epic from the Summon Rush just the rare and I happen to have 21 Void shards so plan is to do it with 20 void shards which should net 2400 points. Will do it during the 10x chance of getting Siphi on the 14th – think this works.
It’s an obscene amount, not just too many. 2400 points for a rare is a joke. I’ve no interest in pulling 4 sacred shards + mysteries for a lego nuker. I already have more of them than I need.
1 year ago, 1070 points got you the void rare (Dagger, Astralon fusion) – They haven’t increased the resources available to get you the extra points, they’ve reduced them. I’m not spending another dime on Raid unless they change it.
I won’t be pulling for the 10x either, and I was going to.
Agreed. With these kinds of requirements, it is a bit of a slap in the face. Why isn’t Yumeko the fusion? Then these numbers would make more sense.
Because Yumeco is Plariums new way to make people spend on void shards. Also she is better than Brogni and a void, so it would be busted if she was fusable. Although the points are pretty high. Not completly busted, but very high.
@SS2020user: yeah, it was meant as a rhetorical question to emphasize that the point requirements for this summon rush are crazy. Guess the tone didn’t come across right.
I agree with all your points though, except for maybe the very last one. Think it is a bit busted, since based on the comments I’ve seen on this site and others, a lot of people just gave up on the fusion before it really got started. Though it is better this way than a nasty surprise late in the fusion.
Good luck with the event and the 10x!
Firstly, thank you HH for making this fusion guide. As always it is concise and shows me exactly what I need to do the fusion.
Secondly, after taking one look at the point requirement in the summon rush event, I’ve decided to back out of this fusion. Its a good thing they dropped this in the mix early as it gives players the chance to carry on or back out as I have.
So appreciate your guides and the support you provide for the game! Congratulations on your growth and award recognition! Love this site :)
I am curious what you think of the epic vs the legendary in this fusion? I’ve seen some mixed opinions but I am leaning toward keeping multiples of the epic vs trying to complete the Karato fusion.
Any insight would be valued!
If you can keep a duplicate of the epic she is worth it especially for Dark Fae but Karato is very worth getting.
Is it my imagination, or do the point requirements for these fusions just keep climbing? Even the Dungeon Divers event, 3750 for the champion seems excessive, not to mention the Summon Rush points. I think that breaks down into 235 runs (averaging 16 points per run). I guess I should slow my roll on these events, I’m one of those people that tries to max out on the first day, just to make sure I don’t get to the run and find out I’ve missed something. I already completed the Ice Golem portion, and Spider is a few days off, so Dungeon run is not overlapping to let me double dip. I’m going to assume that the Ukraine a has a different work schedule or ethic, so that on the days I have off and can play all day, there are few events, but come Monday, when I have to be back at work all day, the grind events start. I’ll get this one, haven’t missed one since Kreela, but I am seriously frustrated. For the first time in over two years, I’m starting to wonder if this game is worth it. I’ve been playing this as a stress reliever, and now its turned into a full-time job that’s stressing me out.
Thanks a bunch!
These are always helpful for planning but this time it told me day 1 that this fusion will not be done, the summon event killed it in one go. But this helps me plan to take advantage of the event for all of the rares and 1-2 of the epics. My dwarf clanwars just got a lot better.
Yeah, this summon rush is a complete head-shaker. I attempt most fusions and got Tatura at Christmas, after which I was pretty tapped out. I did a few of the events for Opardin but just didn’t have the resources built back up to make a serious attempt. I was planning to go for this one all-in, but this summon rush is just a kick to the nuts. I’ve been saving shards for a month and a half, and I still don’t have the shards to get the RARE, let alone the Epic! I’m out. I’ll do a few of the events because I’m going to do them anyway. Hope this bites them in the backside with lower sales, and the next fusion is more reasonable.
Thnx 4 the guide, only 1 more rare (Trugorr) to go and ready to fuse the 4 ladies. Thnx. Got really lucky on pulling mistery shards.
Just realised that at some point the game has either eaten one of my Trugorrs by itslef or it was not actually awarded despite the fact that I completed both of the events for him so far. I’m sure I had this happen with a fragment event in the past as well but was just able to scrape by in that case. I guess I’ll just have to settle for a couple of the epics this time, at least I noticed now before I summoned the two legendaries and two epics i have saved from fragments.
Unless you actually claim the reward, the game will not automatically gift the champion to you if you fail to claim them… I found this out during the Brogni fusion (I died a little inside when I found this out).
So…I was a few hundred points away from the rare in the spider tournament with about 6 hours left to go. Easily achievable, but it was late at night so I set my mobile to auto-battle and went to bed. I wake up and find that only 2 auto-battles completed due to a server outage and I didn’t get the rare. Instead I get 10 lovely gold keys for doom tower as an apology for the server outage. While I appreciate the gesture (they could give us nothing when this happens), I don’t have a use for gold keys at the moment, and I get them for free every day when doom tower resets. Not that big a deal since I’ve already given up on the fusion and I can still get the rare in other ways and then fuse the epic, but if I was making a push for the fusion it would have been pretty upsetting.