How to Build 7 Second campaign Farmers in Raid: Shadow Legends!

How to Build 7 Second campaign Farmers in Raid: Shadow Legends!

In this article, we are going to show you how to build your campaign farmer in Raid Shadow legends to get through the wave in as little as 7 seconds!
We are going to go over the importance of building your campaign farmer the correct way to get the best results. This can be for any stage of the game, early to mid and mid to late, this build will be suitable for you.
You can use all sorts of Campaign farmers if they have good abilities to suit ie: the farmer has a primary attack which is AOE (area of effect) and a secondary ability which is also AOE, lots of crit damage and 100% crit rate.
As an example, for this guide, we are going to show you how HellHades built his Bellower using 2 different builds for you guys to trial and use as your own campaign farmers.
A campaign farmer should be focusing on the brutal campaign as it is the most cost-effective way to farm silver and exp for energy cost.
12-3 is the best campaign for the best for raw XP, if you want more XP but less silver you can farm 12-6 but it isn’t as cost-effective so plan your energy wisely.
Bellower – First build
This is a standard build for earlier players, and you should hit all the criteria for the best success whilst farming.
We want to build our masteries so the champion hits hard on the first hit and does as much damage as possible
Deadly precision
Keen strike
Heart of glory
Whirlwind of death
Ruthless ambush
Cycle of violence
With these masteries, you will have more crit rate and damage, more damage when full HP, more damage on the first hit, more speed per kill in each round, a chance to decrease cooldown on your skills.
These are essential to your build as they will boost your DPS and help clear the waves with ease. You can of course build the masteries further, but I will go into that further down the article.
The Build!
We don’t need to follow ASDD in this build as we want to do as much damage as possible to clear the wave. In this build, we will build speed so we don’t have to one-shot the wave but do enough damage so our second hit will kill the mobs. We are building double the mobs speed so we can hit twice without being hit therefore killing the wave quickly.
To start we will sort the jewellery out as this is a good starting point to building any champion.
Ring – Primary stat is Attack. Secondary stat is attack %
Amulet – Primary stat is crit damage.
Banner – Primary stat is Attack. Secondary stat is speed and attack %
Next, we have the important artifacts. The bottom row!
Gloves– Primary stat is crit rate. Secondary stat is speed and crit damage
Chest – Primary stat is attack %. Secondary stat is speed and crit rate
Boots – Primary stat is speed. Secondary stat is crit rate
Finally, we have the top row of artifacts, for these pieces we need to fill any gaps that we have in the build, for example:
We need to max the crit rate to never miss a critical hit and slow your farm.
Have double the speed of the fastest enemy mob to hit twice and kill the mob before it attacks and wastes time (for 12-3 the magic number for this is 188 speed).
If these 2 attributes are sorted, then pile on as much critical damage you can with these top artifacts as this is your biggest source of damage which will clear the waves quicker.
Bellower – Second build
This build is for mid to late game players who have the artifacts to build a stronger bellower that doesn’t require speed, just pure damage to one-shot the wave consistently and run through without double hitting. We will still follow similar patterns that we don’t want the mob to attack us however we just want to one-shot the mobs and not need a second attack.
Following the same concept as the earlier level, we are just going to add in a few more as you should have the scrolls to unlock them.
Deadly precision
Keen strike
Heart of glory
Whirlwind of death
Ruthless ambush
Cycle of violence
Blood shield
Flawless execution
Wrath of the slain
Using the same idea as before but adding damage to the build. Any extras in the other mastery trees will be a bonus to help you through the waves.
The Build!
Starting the with the jewellery again
Ring – Primary stat is Attack. Secondary stat is attack %
Amulet – Primary stat is crit damage.
Banner – Primary stat is Attack. Secondary stat is attack %
Next, we have the important artifacts. The bottom row!
Gloves– Primary stat is crit damage. Secondary stat is crit rate
Chest – Primary stat is attack %. Secondary stat is crit rate
Boots – Primary stat is attack %. Secondary stat is crit rate
Finally, we have the top row of artifacts.
For these pieces we need to fill any gaps that we have in the build, for example:
We need to max the crit rate to never miss a critical hit and slow your farm.
Have more speed than the fastest mob.
Max out as much crit damage you can build into the top 3 to ensure you can one-shot the enemy mob (Minimum 225% for Bellower)
If you follow this advice when building your campaign farmer in Raid Shadow Legends, then you will be clearing waves quicker than 7 seconds and be showering in silver and exp!
For full details and some extra tips make sure you check out the video below and you will be farming like a god!

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Having a 7 second farmer is HUGE! This will cut times down significantly, especially with auto clicker. This was the biggest change to my game since I got SOD. If you have your dungeon teams stable and a decent clan boss team this is a role that will make food grinds so much easier.
What is the lowest speed?
A speed of 188 is the minimum, as mentioned in the article.