Top Rares that are still used in the Endgame

Top Rares that are still used in the Endgame

Here is a list we’ve compiled of some of the most used rares in the end-game, whether it be in regular content, Doom Tower Secret rooms, or other uses, This may help you to decide if it’s worth you investing in a rare champion that you’re sat on.
Of course, there are more than just this list, due to the copious amounts of Rare only secret rooms we have to encounter, but here are some of the standouts for us!

- Judge – Due to Judge’s low cooldown on his A2, he will provide consistent AOE damage for your team, this can work incredibly well with a stun set for Secret Rooms, helping you to keep enemies under control to cycle your cooldowns.
- Elhain – The queen of nuke, due to her double AOE ability she is amazing for both AOE damage and stun sets especially in secret rooms, helping you keep enemies under control while you kill them off!
- Kael – As we all know, Kael is our top choice when it comes to starting Champions due to how diverse he is through many areas of the game. He can provide high AoE damage, and single target damage with is poisons.
- Graybeard – Great control Champion, farmable in the campaign and once again provides a ton of utility in Faction Wars, and Secret Rooms of the Doom Tower.
- Kurzad Deepheart – Kurzad is a great void rare for Doom Tower secret rooms because he has the ability to boost your team’s accuracy, ensuring your debuffs land, as well as placing AOE Decrease DEF.
- Coldheart – I’m sure we don’t have to say much about this queen, turn meter terror with a huge MAX HP nuke on her A3. Coldheart is used in a ton of areas, most notably Fire Knight, Spider, and Doom Tower.
- Reliquary Tender – This amazing Champion has a full team cleanse, healing and revive – she also brings decrease attack on her A1. For those with minimal options for cleansing, she can be a great addition to lots of teams, especially The Nether Spider in Doom Tower.
- Executioner – Despite the fact he’s not what he once was, due to a nerf, this Champion will still provide you with a ton of utility, with a 30% chance to stun on his a1, as well as an AOE turn meter drop and decrease SPD debuff.
- Renegade – The queen of speed runs, Renegade enables you to farm very fast dungeon runs alongside Seer, she is often overshadowed by Prince Kymar however in some situations she actually comes out on top, especially Fire Knight 25.
- Warmaiden – Farmable, reliable AOE Decrease DEF, Did I mention FREE?! Here’s a more in-depth guide on the uses of Warmaiden.
- Soulbond Bowyer – Soulbond is absolutely amazing, especially in a stunset due to her AOE A1. But aside from that, she also has a FULL turn meter deplete on her A3 which once booked is a 4 turn cooldown, which will help you to control your enemies.
- Berserker – Berserker can be incredibly useful in Secret Rooms for his damage, but also can be used in a stunset – due to his A1 boosting his turn meter, and A2 Giving him an extra turn upon killing an enemy, you’re able to cycle through to his A3 AOE very quickly!
- Banshee – Banshee is another incredibly reliable stunset contender, due to her double AOE including her A1. She can also place a weak version of Decrease DEF, and remove buffs from the enemies. While she may be overshadowed in a lot of areas, she is fantastic for Faction Wars and Doom Tower Secret Rooms.
- Fellhound – The FASTEST Campaign farmer in the game, allowing 5 second clears of 12-3 Brutal, this Champions damage scales from both ATK and DEF, so gearing him can easily be done with the leftover gear you have laying around as long as they are high in either of these primary stats, critical rate, and critical damage.
- Bellower – The MVP of Stun Set, Bellower rocks a triple AOE kit, with weak versions of many of the important debuffs, Decrease DEF, Decrease ATK, Decrease SPD and don’t forget his ability to lock enemies out of their skills on his A1. Due to him being Void Affinity he is also unable to weak hit. Bellower can also be used in a damage build, and is commonly seen as a campaign farmer!
- Athel – Another one of the starting Champions, Athel buffs herself before hitting hard with her AOE Nuke, but outside of that has a 3 hit A1 – Which is invaluable in Fire Knight, and other areas of the game.
- Apothecary – Used practically everywhere, Clan Boss, Dungeons, Campaign progress, Doom Tower, Apothecary isn’t just about speed, his heal on his A2 has the potential to crit which can land you some seriously big heals! However, he does hit like a noodle.. literally, the LOWEST damage in the entire game.
- Sentinel – Sentinel is a great replacement for the commonly seen legendary provokers in Doom Tower vs the Magma Dragon, his A1 has a really high chance to land provoke making him a consistent option for your team!
- Frozen Banshee – We can’t forget our little poison queen, Frozen Banshee will remain in a strong position in Clan Boss teams, especially unkillable and/or Counterattack based teams, and can single handily fill the bosses debuff bar with poisons if she has either Counter Attack or Ally Attack champions supporting her! She is also very valuable for speed farming Dragon 24 due to affinity.
- Gnarlhorn – AOE Provoke on a low CD, Self Unkillable buff, what’s more to say? This beast will keep your enemies at bay while you can pick them off with your team! Gnarlhorn’s got your back!

Let us know what you think below, did we miss anybody who you consider incredibly valuable?

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If you ranked epics and rares together how many other than cold heart would get in a top40? Would Armiger or any other uncommons sneak in there?
One rare I use a LOT is Pain Keeper from Dark Elves, void champion. She has helped quite a bit.