10x Event – Amazing Cleansers

10x Event – Amazing Cleansers

Today we’ve had a very exciting 10x Event Drop for some incredibly good Champions, that see lots of use in the current state of the game.
As always, this is a 10x chance of pulling these targetted legendaries IF you are lucky enough to pull a legendary, there will be no increased rates so expect the standard 0.5% Void/Ancient, and 6% Sacred Shard drop rates. Events like this are great if you’re chasing a specific Champion, however, be warned the chances of getting the champion you are after are very very slim.
Please also be warned, 2x Ancients will be NEXT WEEKEND.
This event will run through till Monday morning.
Inquisitor Shamael
Non Voids:
Underpriest Brogni
Wythir the Crowned
Mausoleum Mage

Will you be opening shards for any of these Champions, if so – who? Let us know down below!

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I swear if I get another Fodbor. I really don’t need 9 of them!