Hellhades & Nub Raids Top Clan Boss Gamechangers 2022

Hellhades & Nub Raids Top Clan Boss Gamechangers 2022

Hellhades and Nub Raids got together recently with a collab, to discuss their favourite champions they look for when doing takeovers, for both types of Clan Boss, Demon Lord, and Hydra. Hellhades picked his top 4 for Demon Lord, while Nub prefers Hydra, so picked his top 4 Champions for that!
Many of these Champions you’ll already have built for other areas of the game, potentially even for use in the Clan Bosses, others may surprise you!
Of course, there are tons of Champions to work within this game, and some of these will need a supporting cast to go along with them, but they are great foundations to build upon!
For those of you who haven’t checked out Nub Raid’s content, be sure to head on over to his YouTube Channel.

Demon Lord Clan Boss:
- Maneater – The king of Unkillable, he quite literally guarantees significant damage with relatively low investment, paired with either Pain Keeper, a second maneater, or one of the various other unkillable/block damage Champions, he can ensure a team that will push you into Ultra-Nightmare Clan Boss.
- Underpriest Brogni – Enables affinity friendly clan boss with his A3, brings huge support with his shields, cleanses and being the only Champion in the game who can grow shields his value is immense! The Fusion for Brogni was very difficult, but he slots into so many teams, and in clan boss, the damage he brings from his shield reflect is massive!
- Geomancer – Realistically the go-to for EVERY area of content these days, even since his “nerf” he’s absolutely insane. The only real downside to Geomancer is if you’re pairing him with other HP Burners, you’ll need to work around his passive, as it must be his own HP burn – You can read more about his passive here. Once he’s got his own burn out, his damage is crazy. Geomancers A2 can be handy for removing buffs from enemies too! A side note, from Nub Raids – Geomancers A1 is also insanely valuable in Hydra due to the Decrease Accuracy, Geomancer has become a staple in many Hydra teams.
- Toragi the Frog – Ally protection and non-unkillable teams have really risen to the surface in the last 6 months or so, Toragi is one of the best options for this, with the rest of his kit complimenting the clan boss massively, with shields, poisons, and the incredibly valuable A1 Decrease ATK debuff. He’s the next best version for ally protection after Krisk in a Clan Boss setup.

Hydra Clan Boss:
- Uugo – Absolutely incredible epic Champion, insanely strong Base Stats, especially HP. 3 Turn CD Decrease DEF and Block Buffs which is so so valuable, along with the Leech on her A1 to help you stay alive. Uugo’s A3 can be helpful with the heal and cleanse to help your team survive too, as much as the pseudo revive mechanic is very unlikely to ever come into play, she’s so versatile and will really help any Hydra team.
- Godseeker Aniri – Insanely cool revive passive and active skill to reset Cooldowns of your team and boost the value of heals in your team, but the real value in Godseeker is her A2, extending buffs duration for your whole team, especially extending Block Debuffs, and defensive buffs. Paired with Champions like Lydia and Brogni she is HUGE! She actually fits into both types of Clan Boss incredibly well. An additional benefit to Godseeker is with a small stat allocation into Accuracy she can reduce the duration on enemy buffs too, which can really come in handy (But don’t over-invest in this, it’s just a great addition)
- Stag Knight – Likely already built if you own him, for Dungeons and other areas of the game, but Stag Knight is great for Hydra with his AOE Defense Down and Decrease ATK, but one great thing in his kit is his a1 Decrease SPD – Placing this on the head of Decay at the start will allow you to bypass the Poison Cloud from Head of Blight, as the Head of Decay will not cleanse your Block Buffs debuff. There are several options for this, but Stag Knight is a great option due to him being an epic and obtainable for many players.
- Royal Guard – Another Champion who many will have built already for Dungeons and/or Doom Tower – If you’re looking to do damage to Hydra, he’s your man, AOE Max HP hits, although this is capped, it still hits insanely hard, but at the same time – the damage cap means you are able to build up his defensive stats to help him stay alive longer. Accuracy in his kit is great, but not necessary, however, the Decrease SPD on his A3 is great if you’re able to get the accuracy requirement into your build without sacrificing other stats too much.