How do you build Coldheart?

How do you build Coldheart?

As we all know, Coldheart is widely considered as the absolute best Rare in the game, by many. And she lives up to that name, due to her ongoing use through all stages of the game, right the way to endgame Speed runs of Spider 25.
The bread and butter of Coldheart is her A3 – Heartseeker, which decreases the enemies turn meter by 100% and deals damage based on Enemy MAX HP which can lead to some seriously big hits if you build up Coldheart’s Critical Damage. This ability is fantastic for Spider stages 16-20 and Fire Knights stage 13-20 in terms of Damage, and continues to be incredible for both of these dungeons through 21-25 for the Turn Meter control despite the reduction in its effectiveness.
Let’s take a little look at the rest of her kit, then we’ll have a look into how best to build her.

Flurry of Arrows [ATK]
Attacks 4 times at random. Each hit has a 25% chance of placing a 100% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turns.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Art of Pain [ATK] Cooldown: 3 turns
Attacks all enemies. Has a 30% chance of placing a 50% Decrease ACC debuff for 1 turn. Places a 5% Poison debuff for 2 turns if the target is under a Heal Reduction debuff.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +5%
Level 4: Buff/Debuff Chance +5%
Level 5: Cooldown -1
Heartseeker [Enemy MAX HP] [ATK] Cooldown: 5 turns
Attacks 1 enemy. Fully depletes the Turn Meter. Has an extra 30% chance of inflicting a critical hit. Damage increases according to enemy MAX HP.
Level 2: Damage +5%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +15%
Level 5: Cooldown -1

The build:
Important things to remember:
- Do not focus on Attack – Her damage from Heartseeker scales with Enemy MAX HP.
- S.D.D – Accuracy, Speed, Defensive, Damage – Having enough accuracy to decrease Turn Meter is super important for any situation when you’re using Coldheart.
- HP – Do not skimp on her Health, as Coldheart is a relatively squishy Champion, you do not want her being targeted by enemies.
- 70% Critical Rate is all you need!
Mid-High Dungeon builds (16-20)
- Accuracy Banner – Ideally Speed as a Substat
- Critical Damage Amulet – Ideally Accuracy as a Substat
- HP Ring – You want to look out for HP% and DEF% as Substats here.
- Speed Boots – Unless speed tuning a specific team, you will want your Coldheart going as fast as you can, to rotate her Hearseeker more often. Ideal Substats will be Accuracy and Critical Rate
- HP% Chestplate, this is imperative to helping you survive, ideal Substats will be Accuracy, Critical Rate and Speed
- Critical Damage % Gloves – As long as you are able to reach your 70% aim for Critical Rate, you should be rocking Critical Damage gloves on Coldheart, to pump up her damage, once again focussing on Critical Rate, Accuracy and Speed for your Substats.
- On the top row of artifacts, you are looking for a mix of the above mentioned substat rolls, to fill in the gaps in your build, we recommend 220 Accuracy, 170+ Speed (the more the better!) and 70% Critical Rate, before pushing Critical Damage.
Late Game Dungeon/Doom Tower Build (21-25)
This build will vary slightly from the previous one, for the simple fact that damage is capped at 10% of Enemy MAX HP, allowing you to focus a lot more on defensive stats, and higher accuracy to allow you to benefit from your Coldheart in stages of Doom Tower.
While the main stats you’re looking for will differ, the focus on Critical Damage will drop significantly here, after around 250% Critical Damage, you should be focussing on jumping your Speed and Accuracy as high as you can, up to around 350-400 Accuracy is ideal.

Hopefully, this will help you define how to best build your Coldheart, as many people ask regularly the best way to do so. Let us know your opinion, and how/if you use Coldheart in your teams! We love to hear from you all.