Patch 5.30 Teaser Highlights!

Patch 5.30 Full Highlights!

Hello, everyone!
This month marks Raid’s 3rd Anniversary, and though we had plenty of things prepared for the celebration, the tragic situation in Ukraine forced us to postpone those plans. But fear not, you will still get many of the most important features we prepared, and we’ll add the rest at some point later!
For now, here are the features we’ll be able to release in 5.30: Champion Skins, balance changes for the Clan Shop (including a brand new Artifact Set and the addition of Champion Fragments for Yakarl the Scourge), Saved Team improvements, a small Champion balance patch, and some miscellaneous QoL updates.
Let’s dive in!

Champion Skins
Champion Skins are a new cosmetic feature, as straightforward as they come in its essence. You’ll be able to change your Champion’s appearance to something new and cool – though still recognizable! – without affecting their Stats. We’re starting with the Arbiter, who’ll get three fresh Skins, but there are more Skins in the works for other Champions as well!
Given that this is a vanity item, many Skins will be limited to special offers, though others will be available through various in-game activities. For example, while the Arbiter’s Jade Serpent and Lumaya’s Prophet will be offers-exclusive, her Darkfallen Skin will be added to the Clan Shop.
Of course, we’re not going to limit this to the Arbiter alone. We’ve already promised a couple of Skins for everyone’s favourite boss-killer, Coldheart, and there are a few others in the works. Let us know if you like the idea, and we’d be happy to make even more Skins in the future!

Clan Shop Changes
Update 5.30 will introduce some balance changes to the Clan Shop as well. We’ll shuffle some items, including Skill Tomes, around the slots, and add two brand new rewards: Champion Fragments for Yakarl the Scourge and Chests containing Killstroke Artifacts.
Yakarl the Scourge is a Legendary Barbarian attacker and, conveniently enough, he will receive a significant buff this very update! You’ll get the same deal here as you have with Yannica – Champion Fragments will be available in specific Clan Shop Slots, and you’ll be able to buy them for Clan Gold. Yakarl won’t replace Yannica either, and both will be available in the Clan Shop at the same time.
The Killstroke Artifact Set will provide your Champions with a +20% CRIT DMG and +5% SPD bonus for every 2 Artifacts equipped. It’s a simple and efficient Set that any damage-dealer will love.

Saved Teams Update
We know many of you guys asked for greater control over Skill Instructions, and we’ll give you just that in the next update. As of 5.30, you’ll be able to set different Skill priorities for the different Rounds of a Battle! That should open up a great deal of flexibility in Campaign Battles, Dungeons, Faction Wars, Demon Lord Battles and Doom Tower. All you have to do is select Rounds 1, 2, or 3 in the Skill Instructions and set up your priorities for each of them.

Champion Rebalance
Yakarl the Scourge
[Axe of Allwinter]
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 40% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. Will ignore 25% of the target’s DEF against targets under [Freeze] debuffs.
[Blizzard Rider]
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 75% chance of placing a 30% [Decrease SPD] debuff for 3 turns and a 75% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. Also steals 100% of the target’s Turn Meter and places a 30% [Increase SPD] buff on this Champion for 3 turns. Will ignore 50% of the target’s DEF against targets under [Freeze] debuffs.
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn. This chance increases to 100% against targets with 75% or more Turn Meter. This debuff cannot be resisted by targets with 75% or more Turn Meter.
[Lord of Ice [P]] [Passive Effect]
Increases the damage this Champion inflicts by 10% for each Champion in battle under a [Freeze] debuff. Also decreases the damage this Champion receives by 10% for each Champion in battle under a [Freeze] debuff.
[Active Effect]
Places an [Unkillable] buff on this Champion for 1 turn whenever they kill an enemy under a [Freeze] debuff.
Cooldown: 3 turns
Increases Ally ATK by 33% in All Battles.
[Feather Barrage]
Places a 30% [Increase C. RATE] buff and a 30% [Increase C. DMG] buff on this Champion for 2 turns, then attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns on targets under [Hex] debuffs.
Damage increased
[Sky Punishment]
Damage increased
Samar Gemcursed
[Crystal Flesh]
Damage increased
[Emerald Curse]
Damage increased
[Boon Subversion]
Damage increased
Changed the order of action in the Skill: Skartorsis will remove debuffs first, then heal his allies.
Removes all debuffs from all allies, then heals them. The amount by which each ally is healed increases according to the number of debuffs removed from them.
Cooldown decreased to 6 turns (4 with Upgrades)
[Rebirth] Ascended
Changed the order of action in the Skill: Skartorsis will remove debuffs first, then heal his allies.
Removes all debuffs from all allies, then heals them and fills their Turn Meters. The amount by which each ally is healed increases according to the number of debuffs removed from them. The amount by which each ally’s Turn Meter is filled increases according to the number of debuffs removed from them.
Cooldown decreased to 6 turns (4 with Upgrades)
[Base Speed increased to 98]
Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of decreasing each enemy’s Turn Meter by 50%. If there are any enemies under [Fear] or [True Fear] debuffs, will also fill this Champion’s Turn Meter by the amount those enemies lose.
[Desolation [P]]
Whenever an enemy’s Turn Meter is fully depleted by any Champion, has a 75% chance of placing a [True Fear] debuff on that enemy for 1 turn.

- Multi-Battles will become available in Faction Wars
- Super Raids are coming to Faction Wars as well, but you’ll learn the details a bit later.