Raid Shadow Legends: Patch 3.0 is Live!

Patch 3.0 is Officially Live and rolling out today!

Official Update from Plarium:
We’re releasing the Doom Tower on the 7th of December. We’ll release a whole batch of information detailing everything you need to know – format, mechanics, Bosses, and more – very soon, so keep an eye out for that. For now, just know that the wait is nearly over and we’re very excited to see what everybody thinks of it.
Official Patch Notes:
Artifact Set Rebalance.
We’ve improved 8 underperforming Artifact Sets to bring them a little more in line with the rest. We want every Set to have its place and have its uses, so we’re hoping these changes mean these Sets see a lot more use. Here’s what’s changed:
Retaliation – 4 Set: 35% (up from 25%) chance to Counterattack when hit.
Regeneration – 4 Set: Heals by 15% (up from 10%) every turn.
Toxic – 4 Set: 75% (up from 50%) chance to place 2.5% Poison debuff for 2 turns.
Reflex – 4 Set: 40% (up from 30%) chance to decrease random Skill cooldown by 1 turn.
Avenging – 4 Set: 45% (up from 30%) chance to Counterattack when hit with a critical hit. The Counterattack will deal 100% of the default Skill’s damage and will not have a damage penalty like normal Counterattacks.
Destroy – 4 Set: Decreases enemy MAX HP by 40% (up from 30%) of damage dealt.
Cursed – 4 Set: 75% (up from 50%) chance to place 50% Heal Reduction debuff for 2 turns (up from 1 turn).
Curing – 4 Set: 20% (up from 10%) bonus Heal.
Festive Bastion Decor.
If you’re not feeling the holiday mood just yet, we’ve got an easy fix – skate over to your Bastion and soak up some festive vibes.
Champions and Battle fixes.
– Tyrant Ixlimor’s Hellfire Torrent skill now works as intended against the Clan Boss.
– Fixed a bug that resulted in battle freezes when the attacking Champion dies from a [Reflect Damage] buff.
– Fayne Exotic Blades and Flowing Style skills now only trigger the Warmaster Mastery once per skill.
– Fixed how Weak/Strong hit popups display when Champions are under [Reflect Damage] buffs.
– Occult Brawler now deals damage correctly against the Clan Boss.
– The game will no longer show the loading indicator for prolonged periods when loading the Collection with a high number of Champions.
– Dunestrider’s left boot is now displayed correctly.
– Tormin the Cold’s Iceberg Crush skill now removes all buffs including [Block Damage] buff and then attacks 2 times.
– Fixed a bug that resulted in the game freezing on the first Tag Arena Battle.
– Fixed errors during Multi-Battle in the Dragon’s Lair.
– Updated the Scyl of the Drakes design.
– Allies now counterattack right after the [Shield] buff placed by Drokgul the Gaunt is removed or broken by [Poison] or [Bomb] debuffs.
– Fixed an error that occurred when visiting the Shop from the results window after Campaign or Dungeon Battles.
– Fixed an error that occurred in battles when a Destroy Set Artifact is equipped.
Game Experience Enhancements
– Added Champion indicator above the Portal when Fragment Events and Tournaments are live.
– Changed Tag Arena Points system. From now on, it’s impossible to get more than 13 Arena points per 1 round out of a 3-round battle. That is needed to exclude the situations when a player wins 2 out of 3 rounds and still loses points.
– Adapted to screen area for new iOS devices – such as iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, iPad Air (2020).
– Added new discount indicator in the Shop.
– The balance of many Faction Wars stages has been tweaked to make them easier to complete (this is already live).
– Fixed how discount labels are positioned in some packs in the Shop.
– A tooltip popup with the number of Tournament Points earned is now shown when a Champion is summoned at the Portal during a Champion Chase Tournament.