New Daily Login Rewards for Raid: Shadow Legends

New Daily Rewards for Raid!

Today Plarium announced via there discord some of the dates and updates that we can expect for December.
Valkyrie made her weekly post to keep us up to do date:
Hi, dear Raiders!
December has come, and finally, this full of difficulties 2020 year is rapidly coming to an end. However, our game development processes are in full swing, and there is so much to look forward to.
Ladies and gentlemen, make yourself comfortable – it’s time for some interesting news – “What Raid Team are working on and What we have in store”!
Let’s start with what you have all been asking for for a long time.
As you all well know, we did several server optimizations lately to overcome the technical limitations that prevent us from expanding the storage (both, Champions’ and Artifacts’). We are now testing the server load to see how many additional slots will be acceptable for the stable game performance, and we are pretty optimistic about the outcome. Thus, both the Champions’ and Artifacts’ storages will be increased in one of the closest releases!
I can’t give any promises here (as you know, things change), but, for now, the expansion is planned for mid-January. So stay tuned!
Now, regarding the upcoming Christmas Fusion. It’ll last for two weeks – like it was the last year, and it starts on December, 14th. As you may know already, the Champion that will be fusible this time is Pyxniel, from the High Elves Faction.
But what else our winter releases will bring us?
Champions’ AI fixes, some fascinating QoL features, and, of course, brand-new awesome Champions!
Also, we haven’t forgotten about the Classic Arena’s boosting in the Platinum Tier and keep working on this area to make the game fairer and challenging.
And, finally, last but not least! This winter, we’re going to release another Daily Login Rewards program! Isn’t that great?
That’s it, for now, guys. Can’t tell you more:)
Thank you for being with us, our beloved players.
The main points of interest that we noticed here was the announcement of a new daily login reward program (something that players have again had to wait for). Along with another acknowledgement that they are still looking into the arena boosting problem, it seems that December is shaping up to be a good month for the game.