How to get Chicken in Raid Shadow Legends

Published On: January 7, 2022

How to get Chicken in Raid Shadow Legends


What is a chicken in raid shadow legends?

A Chicken is one of two things in Raid, typically in Gacha Games – Chickens are weaker Champions used to empower your existing ones, by increasing their rank.

In Raid we also have access to Real Chickens, which replace the ‘fodder Champions’ in this situation, however, they are much harder/rarer to obtain so you’ll have to use a mix of both through your journey in Raid: Shadow Legends.


Chickens vs Chicken Champions in Raid Shadow Legends

While Chickens are instantly leveled up to their respective Rank, 2*/3*/4*/5* when you earn them, as mentioned before they are not an endless supply, they are only available from in-game offers, events, tournaments, 3v3 Bazaar and Clan Shop.

This ultimately means you will NEED to make use of food Champions to level your Champions unless you’re in the position where you spend a lot of money on the game.


How to farm XP effectively in raid shadow legends

The most effective way to level up your food is to campaign farm. To do this you will need to have a “campaign farmer”. This is a Champion, most likely your starter Champion, who can beat the desired stage in the campaign all by him or herself. So the idea is that you put your “Campaign farmer” in the lead position. Put three food champions in the other slots to level them up. Undoubtedly the best area of the game to do this is stage 12, level 3 of Brutal Campaign. The silver to XP to energy ratio is the best at this stage over anywhere in the game including the nightmare campaign.

For the end game player, there are certain Champions that can solo Dragon and Ice Golem dungeons, Bad el-Kazar and Urogrim to name the two most popular ones. Meaning you can bring four “food” champions into dragon 20 or 25 with one of these champions. They gain a small amount of XP per run, along with the silver and gear you gain from the run anyway. But the stats you need for this to work are very hard to achieve. So, for 90% of the player base, brutal campaign 12-3 is still the best place.

There is one other way you can level up your food Champions and that is with brews from the tavern. However, these are expensive to use.


You can learn more about Chickens in our article here.


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