Fusion Guide: Opardin Clanfather

Fusion Guide: Opardin Clanfather

Opardin Clanfather is a Magic Affinity, Barbarian Legendary. He is this years January Fusion (2022) which started today, 17/01/2022.
His kit is designed as an outright healer and support champion for the Faction. He brings an low damage AoE attack that heals based on his HP. His A3 is a strong cleanse removing all Block Buffs and Heal Reduction debuffs along with a third random debuff. His kit revolves heavily around Continuous Heal buffs. His a2 will heal 5% greater, and he has a unique passive where any heal from a Continuous Heal will increase that Ally’s Turn Meter by 5%. He does also place 2 on his A3.
Generally this guy on paper looks extremely weak outside of niche situations. Everyone in the game will eventually receive Scyl of the Drakes who can heal enough whilst also bring Stun on A2 and a revive so is unlikely to be unseated by Opardin. One very powerful niche scenario is an Arena Defence Stall team paired with a champion who can place many continuous heals such as Wythir the Crowned or Tuhanarak and for OG players Bad-el Kazar.
An early game moving into mid game may find a low of healing support from Opardin across the board but with the cleanse ability as well on the A3 particularly useful in Clan Boss enabling you to build a team without the need for Lifesteal gear.

Paired Hammers
Attacks 1 enemy 2 times. Each hit has a 50% chance of decreasing the target’s Turn Meter by 5% and a 50% chance of filling this Champion’s Turn Meter by 5%.
Rally the Tribe
Attacks all enemies. Heals all allies by 10% of this Champion’s MAX HP. Heals all allies under [Continuous Heal] buffs by 15% instead.
Clan Mentor
Removes all [Block Buffs] and [Heal Reduction] debuffs from all allies, then places two 15% [Continuous Heal] buffs on all allies for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of removing 1 random debuff from all allies.
Paternal [P]
Each time a [Continuous Heal] buff heals an ally, fills that ally’s Turn Meter by 5%. If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will activate

Is Opardin worth going for?
We would always recommend going for each and every Fusion, if you’re able to – Opardin is no different here, he can provide healing to your team, and in some situations down the line could come very handy, especially in certain arena defence teams.
As this is a Fragment Fusion, there are 115 available fragments WITHOUT winning any tournaments, so pick and choose what events suit you best as you can skip up to 15 fragments and still achieve the fusion!

Fusion Calendar:
Spider Tournament – 17th January – 20th January
Champion Training Event – 17th January – 21st January
Artifact Enhancement 1 – 18th January – 21st February
Dungeon Divers Event 1 – 19th January – 22nd January
Dragon Tournament – 20th January – 23rd January
Classic Arena Tournament 1 – 21st January – 24th January
Champion Chase Tournament – 21st January – 24th January
Champion Training Tournament – 24th January – 28th January
Dungeon Divers Event 2 – 24th January – 27th January
Fire Knight Tournament – 24th January – 27th January
Artifact Enhancement 2 – 25th January – 28th January
Ice Golem Tournament – 27th January – 30th January
Summon Rush Event – 28th January – 31st January
Classic Arena Tournament 2 – 29th January – 1st February
Dungeon Divers Event 3 – 29th January – 2nd February
Artifact 3 Enhancement – 30th January – 2nd February

Day 1:
New Events:
Champion Training Event: 10 Fragments – 3000/6500 Points
Spider Tournament: 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
The point requirement for this Training Event is significantly lower than usual, but still needs pushing for.
Make sure you are also levelling your chickens BEFORE feeding them to get the extra points, you can do this easily by just throwing a few brews into the 4*/5* chickens before you use them as food, it will really help you gain your points to make this doable.
Take this time to level up all of your food and 6 stars some of the champions you’ve wanted to for a while!
As for the Spider Tournament, this lines up nicely with Clan vs Clan that will start tomorrow – 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.

Day 2:
New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event – 5 Fragments – 3300 Points
To get this event’s Fragments, you’ll require 3300 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

Day 3:
New Events:
Dungeon Divers Event – 5 Fragments – 2400 Points
This Dungeon Diver event very conveniently lines up with Clan vs Clan, Spider Tournament and the upcoming Dragon Tournament too – Along with the Champion Training Event, so all in all it’s a very easy event to complete as there’s lots of chances to double-dip while doing other activities you need to do.
To get the Fragments, this will take 240 5* Rare items, although as your luck improves, the amount of runs required will drop significantly.

Day 4:
New Events:
Dragon Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
Just like the Spider Tournament, today’s tournament will take up to 140 runs of stage 20+ with the worst possible drops (5* Rare gear) – As always the actual amount of required runs may be significantly smaller depending on your luck.
This ties in perfectly to the recently started Dungeon Divers event, allowing you to double-dip your rewards and complete both simultaneously.

Day 5:
New Events:
Champion Chase Tournament – 20 Fragments – 1150/2500 Points
Classic Arena Takedown – 5 Fragments – 360 Points
For this, you will need to pull as many shards as you need. You can also do this with mystery shards for 1 point per shard, if you don’t have other shards to use during the event, but remember – champions from the market and campaign will also count towards these points, which can tie in nicely with Champion Training.
This does line up with Void 2x Event, so good luck on your pulls if you have saved any!
As for the arena tournament… As always make sure to use all of your daily battles, this event is active for 3 days which should be more than enough time to get you the required points if you are efficient in using your tokens, ensuring you’re picking fights you know you can win!

Day 8:
New Events:
Champion Training Tournament – 5 Fragments – 5150 Points
Dungeon Divers Event 2 – 5 Fragments – 2400 Points
Fire Knight Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
Conveniently, completing the Dungeon Diver event here will be fairly straightforward, as it ties into both of the tournaments, whether it’s Fire Knight or Campaign that you’re farming you’ll be chipping away at the Diver points.
The point requirement for this Training Tournament is relatively low, still needs pushing for.
Make sure you are also levelling your chickens BEFORE feeding them to get the extra points, you can do this easily by just throwing a few brews into the 4*/5* chickens before you use them as food, it will really help you gain your points to make this doable.
Take this time to level up all of your food and 6 stars some of the champions you’ve wanted to for a while!
As for the Fire Knight Tournament, 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.

Day 9:
New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event – 5 Fragments – 3300 Points
To get this event’s Fragments, you’ll require 3300 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

Day 11:
New Events:
Ice Golem Tournament – 5 Fragments – 2250 Points
Much like the previous dungeon tournaments for this fusion, the point requirement is on the higher end. To earn your Fragments from the Ice Golem Tournament, 2250 points will take around 140 runs of level 20+ based on the worst possible drop rates of only 5* Rare gear.
As always, this may be significantly less based on your luck.

Day 12:
New Events:
Summon Rush Event – 20 Fragments – 1400/3500 Points
The Summon Rush as always, will be a game of how many shards do you have? To earn the fragments you will need to accumulate 3,500 points, this lines up with the x10 Summon Event for Champions that place weaken.
The point requirement for this is rather high, but remember you may not need to pull depending on how many Fragments you’re currently at, as there is more than 100 Fragments available.

Day 13:
New Events:
Dungeon Divers Event – 5 Fragments – 3100 Points
Classic Arena Takedown – 5 Fragments – 360 Points
Dungeon Divers Event will simply require you to run content, cleaning up any events you have left outstanding and burning your energy.
As for all arena tournaments you need to always make sure to use all of your daily battles, this event is active for 3 days which should be more than enough time to get you the required points if you are efficient in using your tokens, ensuring you’re picking fights you know you can win!

Day 14:
New Events:
Artifact Enhancement Event – 5 Fragments – 3300 Points
To get this event’s Fragments, you’ll require 3300 points in the artifact enhancement event – there are some great methods for doing this easily, to save as much silver as possible.
1. If you pre-rolled your gear to level 7/11/15 before the event, you can go ahead and burn through your silver taking these up by 1 level each to gain quick easy points.
2. The other really good option for these events is doing a good old gear clear-out, rolling things that you might want to keep up to see how the stats play out, selling things that you won’t want to keep, a great guide for this is here.

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The calendar with linear view is very helpful. Thank you.
I 2nd this.
Agreed, big fan.
Any chance he would work on the frozen spider in DT?
Going after him, just because you never know. However he will always be known to me as “Opadink Cloudfarter” Sorry, had to LOLOL
i love the guide, but would it be possitble to make the linear view bigger or a possibility if you click on it to get a bigger view?
ty for all of this
Hey mate, if you right click and open link in a new window it will give you a bigger view :)
Has the Classic Arena Tournament II been changed to Tag Arena Tournament? I don’t have the former, but the latter shows in my upcoming Tournaments.
Also, for the Ice Golem I only need to get 1650 Points for the Fragment, 2050 for the Top Prize (Epic Tome) Does this point value requirement change depending on player levels?
Somehow I did my math wrong And even if I get the remainder of the shards available in events and tournaments, I am still 5 short, is there another way to buy or get more?
They will probably sell you shard packs after the event has ended. I will be 10 short (I was going to be 5 short but Arena is too much of a chore to bother with at the moment) and will buy the shards if they aren’t too expensive.
If not they sometimes have events about a year or so after the fusion where you can get some shards of previous fusions.
okay thanks! I was gonna be a little upset that i went though all the trouble and still was gonna end up not getting him
I too am short 10 shards. Hopefully when they do decide to reissue this guy I will be able to get him. And hopefully they will do the same for another champ that I missed out on..*cough Ninja* cough.