Full Patch 5.20 Highlights – Arena Changes!

Tavern improvements, Classic Arena expansion, and more!

In this update, we’ve added Gold V Tier and expanded Platinum Tier in Classic Arena, along with some Hydra-related Clan Quests, 3 new sets of Saved Teams, some handy new options in the Tavern, and even a few battle improvements and fixes. Here’s everything:
Tavern improvements
- We’ve added an option that changes the order of Champions from ascending to descending and vice versa. This option works on every tab in the Tavern and works alongside the existing sorting options – “By Rank”, “By Level”, etc.
- Added the ability to show only “upgradable” Champions that can still be improved. It works on every tab in the Tavern, and means you’ll only see Champions that can still be improved by each method; if you’re looking to upgrade some Skills, just hit “Show upgradable only” to hide all the Champions that have fully upgraded Skills! As a little bonus, your settings will also be saved each time you log out – so you won’t have to re-select it each time you log back in.
- Added the ability to select the number of XP Brews you want to use in one go, making upgrading your Champions quicker and easier than ever. In addition, XP Brews of the same Affinity now stack in one slot, streamlining that process even further!
New Saved Teams Groups and Saved Team selection improvement
We used to have only two sets of Saved Teams – one for PvP Battles (like Classic Arena and Tag Arena), and one for PvE Battles (such as for the various Dungeons) in the game.
You’ll now be able to create five sets of Saved Teams that are automatically divided across different game modes:
- Set 1: General (for Campaign, Dungeon, and Demon Lord Battles)
- Set 2: For Faction Wars
- Set 3: For the Doom Tower
- Set 4: For Hydra Battles
- Set 5: For PvP Battles (Classic and Tag Team Arena)
We’ve also increased the number of teams you can save – from 10 to 15 in each set.
We’ve also slightly altered the selection mechanics. Now, whenever you remove a Champion from a Slot in a Saved Team, the Slot will remain empty, and other selected Champions won’t be shifted around to fill the Slot.
New Hydra-related Clan Quests
We’ve added 6 new Clan Quests to the existing pool of quests: 3 for Expert difficulty, 3 for Elite. These Quests will appear in-game at random, just like all other Quests, after the refresh on Tuesday, February 15.
Hydra UX Updates
We’ve added an option that allows you to View and Hide the Hydra Battle List and a popup with detailed info about your Team’s performance in each Battle with Hydra. You can also see your other Clan Members’ performance and compare your teams this way.
Classic Arena – Gold V
We’ve added Gold V to the Classic Arena Tiers and it will be available starting from today. Gold V now starts at 3,500 Arena Points and ends at 3,800, so those of you who were in Gold IV and earned 3,500 Points will be promoted to Gold V, and those of you with less than 3,800 Points will be demoted to Gold V Tier from Platinum Tier.
On the 14th of February, at Arena reset time, all players will receive Arena Chests according to the number of Classic Arena Points they have at that moment.
Platinum Tier Expansion
We’ve expanded Platinum Tier in Classic Arena from 300 to 500 places.
Super Raids in the Doom Tower
You can now save time farming and get double the Rewards on Doom Tower Boss Floors in Doom Tower runs with Super Raids.
Super Raids use twice the Silver Keys in one go, but give double Rewards in the time it takes to run just one raid.
Best part? They’re completely optional: to run Super Raids, you have to hit the checkbox in the Team Selection interface to opt-in.
Super Raids will be enabled for the whole of the next Doom Tower Rotation.
Champion rebalance:
- Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 85 to 95.
- Aura Skill added: Increases Ally ATK in all Battles by 30%.
[Skill 2 – Hexreaper]
- Effect changed: Now doesn’t remove [Hex] debuffs from enemies after attacking.
- Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.
[Skill 3 – Not Of This World]
- Cooldown decreased from 6 to 5 turns.
- Base stats changed: Base SPD increased from 94 to 100.
[Skill 3 – Crumble] (Un-Ascended)
- Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns.
- Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns.
[Skill 3 – Crumble] (Ascended)
- Skill changed. New version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
- Old version: Attacks all enemies. Has a 50% chance of placing a [Block Active Skills] debuff for 2 turns. Also has a 50% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.
Other changes and battle fixes
- Lydia the Deathsiren’s icon in the Faction Wars window now changes after Lydia is collected to indicate that you have added her to your Collection.
- Fixed a bug that caused Nogdar the Headhunter to sacrifice more than 50% MAX HP whenever an upgraded Gore Feast skill was used.
- Fixed a visual bug that caused normal, unprotected [Shield] buffs granted by Accessory sets to be displayed as protected if they were placed immediately after the [Shield] buffs placed by Underpriest Brogni’s Resilient Glow skill expired.
- Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions revived by Old Hermit Jorrg not to be transparent after Old Hermit Jorrg places a [Perfect Veil] buff on them.
- Fixed a visual bug: Holsring’s model will now be transparent after [Perfect Veil] buffs placed by his Witchfinder skill are replaced by [Perfect Veil] buffs placed by his Hunter’s Guile skill.
- Fixed a bug that caused Tatura Rimehide to turn away from opponents when attacking.
- Fixed a bug that caused info about Chaagur’s Stupor skill upgrades to be displayed in the Constant Agony skill description.
- Fixed a bug that caused Versulf the Grim not to use his Reign of Sorrow skill when battling against the Demon Lord on Auto.
- Changed the idle animation for Genbo the Dishonored in the Collection and Index.
Game Experience Enhancements
- Fixed a bug that caused the Faction Guardian labels to disappear from Champions’ icons in the Collection when the Champion Vault was expanded, or when a Champion was added to the Vault.
- Reduced the tappable area on the Close button in the Collection.
- Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect number of maximum Stars to be shown in the Faction Wars window.
- Fixed a visual bug that occurred on Plarium Play when Champions were summoned from Fragments, if a high frame rate limit and a high graphic quality were set.
- Fixed a bug that meant players would not receive Hydra Chests and would not appear in the Hydra Clan rankings after leaving and rejoining a Clan during one weekly cycle, even after dealing enough damage to earn a Chest.
- Players who are in a Clan, whose applications to join another Clan are declined after the Clan Quest refresh, but before the end of the Hydra weekly cycle, now get Hydra Keys and can use the Champions they used in the previous weekly cycle.
- The second Artifacts and Accessories won in the Dragon’s Lair or the Spider’s Den when Super Raids are enabled are now counted towards the “Win a total of ten Rank 5 or Rank 6 Artifacts from the Dragon’s Lair” Quest and the “Win a total of ten Rank 5 or Rank 6 Accessories from the Spider’s Den” Quest.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “No Opponent” status text in the Clan vs Clan Tournament intro window to be displayed in English, even if another language was set.
- Players will join only one Clan if their applications are simultaneously accepted by two different Clans.
- Expanded Personal Tiers in CvC Tournaments.
That’s everything we’ve got for you! We hope these Arena changes will make a big difference in higher-end Arena play, and we hope these balance changes and improvements will help you overcome some of Raid’s more common hurdles. Stop by our official Raid forums to let us know what you think!