Awaken Chaos Era Patch Notes

Awaken Chaos Era Patch Notes

Hey Guys! Awaken Chaos Era has had an update today including the announcement of the new Magic Pass, which will begin tomorrow!
Here’s what we have in store!

Game Updates
- New Epic Hero: Sand Spirit Lord – Sylan
- New Magic Pass [Gift of the Jade Sea – Evera] opens
- Hero Balance (stats are for max. skill level)
[Helmar] Ultimate: Vampiric, increase the damage from 150% to 200%, skill cooldown decreases from 4 to 3 turns
[Earendil] Basic: Offense, increase damage from 80% to 100%
Ultimate: Blade Dance, increase damage from 150% to 200%
[Andre] Ultimate: Slam, decrease skill cooldown from 6 to 5 turns
- Optimized Guild information updates. now guild info will be updated more frequently
- Fixed the log error from timed out Arena battles and shutting down the game
- Improved the skill description of some heroes
Text Updates (stats and mechanisms NOT changed)
[Nathalia] Trait: Arcane Energy
For every positive effect this character has, their abilities affect 1 extra enemy. If they have more than 4 positive effects, it affects all enemies.
Ascended: For every positive effect this character has, their abilities affect 1 extra enemy and increase damage by 10%. If they have more than 4 positive effects, it affects all enemies and increases damage by 40%.”
[Siress] Trait: Chained Disable
At the end of every 2 turns, this character’s abilities attack 1 extra target, can attack up to 4 enemies.
Ascended: At the end of every 1 turn, this character’s abilities attack 1 extra target, can attack up to 4 enemies.”
- [Battle] Boss Battle Attack Sequence will now be bound to the game account
- [Story] Simplified the conversation in Chapter 1
- [Hero] Improved the red-dot notification in Heroes
- [Guild] Optimized requirements for Guild Quests. Now completing any stages above the required difficulty will also complete the quest.
- [Gear] Adjusted trigger mechanism of Rebel Set. Attacks need to deal any damage to have a 20% chance to Stun the enemy for 1 turn.
[Battle] Fixed the bug where Urion’s ultimate ability on grants elemental advantage to the main target when attacking multiple targets
[Battle] Fixed a bug where the revived Balberith does not show when killed by Ztlin’s ultimate
[Shop] Fixed the bug where the purchase button does not show after Monthly Cards expire
[Shop] Fixed the currency symbol error in some regions
[Login] Fixed a bug where switching language will require login again
[Text] Fixed the display error in the Magic Pass purchase interface in the French version
[UI] Fixed a button display error in Endless Trial
[UI] Fixed Antinua’s name error in Newbie Gift Pack

Check out the video below on this, by Veiled Shot Gaming