Awaken Chaos Era: Patch Notes 23/02/22

Patch Notes:

Today we’ve had another small update in Awaken Chaos Era, here are the notes:
Game Updates
- [Void Tower] Rework of the Void Tower interface.
- [Hero Bio] Adjusted some of the Hero’s bios.
- [Limited Summon] Added the Limited Summon hero selection from February 28th to March 13th. Valeria, Mytheasia, and Lydia will be the select legendaries.
- [Roaring Tulpa] Decreased the HP and shield HP of Roaring Tulpa from stages 9 to 12.
- [Shop] Adjusted the interface of Shop and the grouping of some packs and items.
- [Battle] Optimized the visual effect of Godfery’s trait during battle.
- Fixed the bug of certain heroes belonging to incorrect factions in Dispatch.
- Fixed the visual effects bug of Sylan in Summoning UI.
- Fixed other graphics and text issues.
- [Multi-Battle in Void Tower] Now Multi-Battle option will be always available in Void Tower. Players will be able to multi-battle until the floor they cleared in the last Void Tower.” Was not added to this patch.