New ACE Champion – Garrell

New ACE Champion – Garrell

Garrell is our newest released legendary Champion in Awaken Chaos Era, He is actually originally designed by a player, during a competition that was held while the original Beta was active.
He is a Crisas Legendary, he’s a Fire Element Champion.
From first looks, without testing, he seems like a very strong Single Target Damage dealer, especially when facing things that are Wood Element, such as Roaring Tulpa, The Wood Guild Boss, and certain stages of Void Tower/Endless Trials may also see some great value from him.
There are already some great Fire DPS however that he does have to compete with, and until further testing, we can’t say for sure how he will stand up to those!

Flaming Fists
Deals 100% damage to one enemy, and 20% more if the target has a positive effect.
Level 2: Damage +10%
Level 3: Damage +10%
Level 4: Damage +10%
Level 5: Damage +10%
Inferno Shock
When attacked, boosts life steal by 50% and counterattacks with basic abilities. Triggered up to once per round.
Level 2: +20% Life Steal Strength
Enraged Chain – 3 Turn Cooldown
Grants Attack Up and Defense Pierce Up II for 2 turn(s) and then deals 150% damage to an enemy.
Level 2: Damage +15%
Level 3: Damage +15%
Level 4: Damage +15%
Level 5: Ability cooldown is reduced by 1 turn(s).
Flaming Asura [Trait]
Grants 2 Rage at the start of the battle. Each attack grants 1 Rage. 6 Rage removes all negative effects from this character and activates an Asura state for 2 turn(s).
Attacks in the Flaming Asura State deal extra damage based on Garrell’s Max Health
Ascended Trait:
Grants 2 Rage at the start of the battle. Each attack grants 1 Rage. 6 Rage removes all negative effects from this character, Grants a Bonus Turn and activates an Asura state for 2 turn(s).
Attacks in the Flaming Asura State deal extra damage based on Garrell’s Max Health

Check out the video below on this, by Veiled Shot Gaming