Guide to the up and coming PVP in Incarnate “Strongholds”

Introduction to the PvP Strongholds in Incarnate!

Incarnate has some interesting features coming up which we are all excited for! PvP. This is a huge step for the game which is currently in it’s alpha state.

Battles are based on a defence, pre-built by you, with near-endless options. It’s your job to build a defence that will out-wit your opponent when it’s time for battle. Your stronghold is your PvP defence, the more strategically you place your Incarnates and structures, the better chance you have of winning. When building your defence, you have many different terrains to choose from so can find one which will best suit your team. You also have the ability to add structures. Some structures may have different auras, such as boost defence or boost attack, so be sure to place them in strategical places as these will give you a better chance of winning. You should make use of the whole terrain and use everything and anything to your advantage.

Each class or rarity of Incarnate has different abilities for the stronghold building.
You have the ability to rebuild your stronghold until you find your perfect, impenetrable base. However, every edit to the terrain comes at a cost. You have a limited number of stronghold points which will dictate how you can edit your defence. Depending on your level and rank, moving the terrain or adding a structure costs stronghold points.

There will be a few things that you control in your stronghold such as:
- Map ability – This is how the battlefield will look with the terrain.
- Skybox – This is the background world
- Weather – This is based on the rarity and what class of incarnate you have as each class will give different bonuses.
- Map terrain – You could have lava or ice battlegrounds that will have different abilities and effects on yours and the enemy’s team.
- Minion generator – this could be game-changing as you could generate a bunch of zombies and have them near the attackers so it’s something else that they have to worry about before they can kill your defense. This can create different synergies, for example, the Void Watcher is big on the zombie, undead hordes so you could create good synergy and use it to your advantage to defend your stronghold.
- Turrets – These will attack enemies as they approach.
- Indestructible structures – This could block line of sight so the attackers can’t see the trap you’ve set up or so the attackers can’t hit your defense. These cannot be destroyed.
- Spires – These could create auras so your team gets so nice buffs or the enemies get some nasty debuffs.
- Mines – this would create a good bait scenario for you to build and win the battle from blowing your opponent up!

Fate will be in your hands as you develop your Stronghold! Build the best defence you can and Good Luck in your battles!