Dragon Champions Expansion Half Siege

Patch Notes ver. 1.4.0 – coming next week!

The guys over at Dragon Champions have just dropped some exciting news on the upcoming Christmas patch that will bring an insane amount of updates into the game. Remember if you are new to Dragon Champions use PROMOCODE HELLHADES before level 15 for a Free Champion and goodies!
Here is what the developers had to say:
This is the final, and probably the biggest update of 2020!
We are happy to announce the launch of our first expansion — Half-Siege that includes two new races – halfpigs and dwarfs — new heroes, new locations, and even more exciting things to come!
Each race has its own special mechanics – Charge for Dwarves and Oink for Halfpigs is a special race mechanic of the Halfpigs. As you might notice, 1 Halfpigs hero is actually two halfpigs entwined, and either one of them takes the wheel at a time. Depending on if they are in the Oink state or not, it affects how the ability is performed.
Dwarves can accumulate Charge, charge one another, and spend Charge while attacking to gain cool bonuses and more. Charge lets Dwarves gain special effects in the battle, for example, Damage Increase or an increase the chance to apply a debuff.
The holidays are rapidly approaching, and that means that the Winter Dragonsdays will also start with this update! Take part in a variety of activities – events, Tournaments, collect special Holiday currency and spend it on super awesome valuable items in the holiday shop that will be open during the Winter Dragondays, including heroes from all Season Passes.
There will also be a brand new Competitive Event with legendary rewards! Compete with other champions in completing the event quests, and make it to the top for the most awesome prizes!
Now a word on Guild Raids. We have rebalanced the rewards for T8 in this update, and by your numerous requests have added Epic Gear items as the rewards. Now you won’t have to choose between T7 or T8, if you’re ready to take on the challenge.
And that’s not all! We are introducing 7th level abilities for several heroes, and 8th level for one of their abilities that will take your heroes to new heights and significantly boost their potential.
There will also be new Legendary Ability Scrolls required to bring your heroes’ abilities to the max level. The rarest Mythical Ability scrolls required to upgrade the ability to level 8 will appear in special activities in the game, stay tuned to the future announcements!
You will be able to find legendary Ability Scrolls scrolls in many different places, including the brand new Guild Raid Tier 9 – a true challenge for the most experienced guilds.
In this update, we have reviewed and rebalanced all Artifacts’ base stats. Also, considering the hard work and the number of resources it takes to level up, upgrade and star them up, now you will get quite a power boost in return for your investments. This will significantly power up your team and get you ready for the most challenging battles in the game. For example, after update 5 stars Artifact of level 30 will have 24% Crit Chance increase instead of 10%, Health increase of 36% instead of 15% and etc. The total increase is 2,4 times for 5 stars Artifacts and 1,5 times for 4 stars Artifacts.
Another big part of this update is the new player ratings. We know that quite a lot of you are quite competitive and are fond of their achievements in the game, and some might not even be aware of the records they’ve set!
That’s why we have redesigned our rating system, both worldwide and server-wide. Now it covers the most important aspects of the game, whether it be your success in the Arena, Tournament medals, total power, or even Achievements top.
Now you will be able to see who’s the best in all major parts of the game. We wish you the best of luck and many more victories in the future – let’s see who is the strongest champion of all!
Here’s what’s new in the update 1.4.0:
- New race – Halfpigs
- 5 new heroes: Cent & Turion, Bar & Rel, Ambu & Lance, Wizz & Ard, Archi & Ro
- New location – Twin Pigs Bootcamp
- Cent & Turion (Clans, Halfpig, Defender) – available from Demon Invasion Campaign 4-9, Hero Chest and various festive activities
- Bar & Rel (Clans, Halfpig, Fighter, Warrior) – available from Season of Barrels
- Instructor Gorram has received a new leadership ability and synergy with Halfpigs race
- Season of Barrels begins January 1st
- New race – Dwarves
- 5 new heroes – Zappy, Bordwin, Baldur, Toole, Tobald
- New location – Stone Fortress
- Zappy (Order, Dwarves, Fighter, Warrior) – available from Rage of the Clans Campaign 8-9, Hero Chest, and a special competitive event
- Bordwin (Order, Dwarves, Fighter, Warrior) – available from log-in bonus event, Dawn of the Order Campaign 8-6, Hero Chest, and various festive activities
Winter Dragon Days – holiday activities:
- 3 holiday Tournaments with special rewards
- 7 day login bonus activity – log into the game daily and get a mighty dwarf Bordwin and a set of Epic Runes as a reward!
- 2 holiday events including a brand new type of competitive event
- Complete quests and get Cookiecoins that you can spend on some cool unique items and great rewards in the special Holiday Shop that’s open during Winter Dragondays
- Added Epic Gear items to Erochar’s Madness T8 rewards
- New Heroic Erochar’s Madness Guild Raid IX challenging and with awesome rewards
- New 7th Ability level for Fao, Kaggie, ATOM, Sharp, Venomate, Freezard, Korkhim, and a 8th level for one of their abilities
- New Legendary Ability Scrolls – required to reach Ability level 7.
Can be found in the Legends Shop, 10th Stage of Tournaments, Erochar’s Madness Raid Guild IX, Battlegrounds Season rewards (starting next Season), Battlepass (starting from January), special offers - New Ratings system – new personal ratings (global and server), guild ratings. Show everyone who’s the greatest champ of all!
- Rebalanced all Artifacts’ base stats
- Lowered the price cap for Tournament tickets purchase – now only 100 (previously was 200)
- Added a new Daily quest – ‘Take a part in 3 Tournament battles’
- Reworked and improved hero models for Kin Li, Hilda and Senjiel
- Tweaked Radash’s 3d ability (cooldown 3/3)
At the 6th level of this ability:
Removes all debuffs and inflicts them upon random enemies with the same duration. If Radash is afflicted by less than two debuffs, removes 1 debuff from each allied demon and inflicts them upon random enemies with the same duration instead. Heals self for 200% of Magic Damage. Restores 40% of the turn meter to himself and to Shadar - Tweaked Battleground Shops Herostone selection – now only Battlepass heroes Herostones are available there, also added Arno Herostones
Various bug fixes and improvements